Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Electronic pictograms for Variable Message Signs
Those involved in Road Network Operations require an appreciation of how the different systems that ITS uses can be made to work together in a harmonised way. Not only is it important to secure optimum performance of the systems individually, it is also necessary to ensure that they interface with one another effectively, share data where appropriate, and can be integrated with each other to form a total system.
The development of an ITS architecture, the application of systems engineering, the selection of standards and attention to human factors are all essential building blocks.
Stakeholders involved in deploying ITS require an appreciation of how the ITS enabling technologies can work together as a system. Not only is it important to secure the necessary performance of the component systems individually, but it is also necessary to ensure that they interface with one another effectively, and integrate them together as a total system.
An ITS Architecture is a conceptual framework (or structure) to guide the deployment of ITS. It is a formal specification of requirements that defines in detail:
ITS architecture provides a rational basis for specifying the design of equipment and performance requirements – which is necessary for procurement, installation and the development of operational procedures. The architecture is not a definitive design but is a functional representation of the ITS deployment which will be developed into a detailed design taking account of choices available – for equipment, software systems and other technologies. The role of ITS architecture in the ITS implementation process is shown in the diagram below.
The use of ITS architectures in the ITS implementation process
The discipline of developing an architecture allows stakeholders to gain an appreciation of the issues associated with ITS deployments, how they will work in practice and what organisational implications they will have. It makes it possible to provide a view of what the ITS services will look like to key stakeholders, including service users. Creating an ITS architecture enables stakeholders to understand better their various perspective in relation to an ITS deployment - such as:
All this can – and should – be done before work begins to procure, design, develop and deploy any of the components and communications that will be required. An important benefit of creating the ITS architecture is that many modifications to the design of the ITS implementation can be anticipated as a result of the systematically working through the requirements. This means that the need for changes can be identified and accommodated at an early stage in the implementation process which means they can be achieved at much less cost than if they were made later on, when some parts have been designed, produced, tested and installed.
An ITS architecture can be created for any road transport agency that is planning an investment in ITS for any geographic area, such as a nation, region, state, county, province or city. The ITS architecture will be based on a close analysis of how the chosen services are to operate together and interface with one another, leading to a set of high-level statements about the system requirements that are independent of the final design and technology choices.
Examples of the services that ITS can be used to provide for road network operations are:
In the past, ITS deployments were often installed to provide just one or two services for travellers and the movement of goods on the road network. Most of these services worked independently without any communications or data sharing between them. The continuous evolution of ITS has meant that its stakeholders have come to expect that a number of often complex services to manage, gather data and to provide information about the road network can be operated simultaneously within an ITS implementation. While there are risks of conflict between what is needed to provide these services, there are significant opportunities to maximise benefits by integrating them so that they work in synergy. ITS architecture (or system architecture for ITS to use its more correct name) provides the best tool for planning, defining, and integrating all the things needed to create and deploy, or implement ITS so that a combination of several services can be provided.
The development of an ITS architecture usually begins with a consensus building process involving multiple stakeholders focused on the ITS-based services that are to be provided. Thus, the resultant architecture represents a consensus among the users, service providers, and transport agencies expressed in common terms, definitions, boundaries, priorities and expectations among the stakeholders who will later be making independent, but now consistent and mutually supportive, decisions.
In summary the ITS architecture will define, for all concerned the physical entities and the data flows that connect them together to form an integrated system. ITS architecture analysis also provides support for the planning and implementation of integrated ITS, including a deployment programme, an organisational viewpoint, cost/benefit and risk analysis studies.
ITS architectures are developed from a set of user needs and user services defined through consultations with users and stakeholders. Thus, the architecture ensures that the ITS to be implemented is responsive to the needs of all stakeholders, rather than implementing technology for technology’s sake.
The ITS architecture will also show clearly and unambiguously the key processes which require standardised interfaces, especially for communications and data exchanges. It is common practice for the physical interfaces between architecture subsystems to be aligned with ITS and industry standards. By defining the different physical entities and the data that has to flow between them, the architecture provides the context for the identification of the most appropriate standards. Based on the interface definitions and an analysis of operational needs, user requirements and hardware/software specifications, the architecture can help identify whether existing standards can be used or if new standards need to be developed at local, regional, national, or international level.
The design and implementation of standardised ITS components and subsystems in conformance with the ITS architecture will stimulate an open market in equipment and software supply, permit economies of scale, ensure consistency of data and information, encourage investment, and help to ensure interoperability.
A good ITS architecture will consider failure modes and support logical steps to achieve graceful degradation of system performance under abnormal conditions. It will also identify transport policies that need be out in place and any assumptions made about who plays what role in the ITS implementation. This allows joint decisions between partners to be made in concert, reducing the risk of one organisation making wrong guesses as to what other organisations are going to do. By facilitating the identification of the most appropriate standards to be used, the ITS architecture also reduces the risk of de facto or proprietary standards perpetuated by the dominant manufacturers.
ITS needs to be integrated into the local or regional transportation plan. An ITS architecture supports this integration by enabling all involved to identify the intended relationships between ITS and conventional transportation plans and solutions. It can also add substance to those plans through the definition of what is required to provide which services and the priority for their implementation.
ITS architectures are used to describe how user services should be provided. This includes the data to be collected, what processing the data will need, where that processing should take place, what data should be shared between the components, plus where and when the resulting information is to be made available to users, other ITS deployments and vehicle fleet and logistics managers. In this way the architectures provides a versatile platform from which component, communications and software can be developed.
ITS architectures provide a framework for system expansion and technological upgrades so that systems can be adapted as stakeholder expectations change and ITS technology evolves. New services or wider geographic coverage can be added without expensive re-engineering or retrofits, provided always that the development is compatible and consistent with the architecture. A completely new ITS user service or a major revision to the service specification will most likely require a re-evaluation and modification to the architecture.
The term "ITS architecture" literally means, "System Architecture for Intelligent Transport Systems". As a system architecture it provides a view of how an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) implementation will look from a system design perspective. ITS architectures are primarily about data exchange and the control instructions that pass between the different ITS components and the external interfaces (operators, stakeholders and other systems). It needs to reflect the real-world constraints that operate on transport agencies and the requirements these impose on the ITS implementation. Examples are interoperability between the participating agencies and the retention of information control by the respective agencies.
An ITS architecture may show where existing organisational structures need to be modified and changed – perhaps quite radically – in order to deliver the desired ITS services. An example is a traffic control centre (TCC) that may need to exchange data with another TCC or a traveller information centre (TIC), possibly across national or language boundaries. Defining the content and minimum performance specification for this transaction matters a great deal. The ITS architecture enables the performance specification to be defined to achieve the required level of interconnection and interoperability. The choice of which specific technologies are best to use in response is a matter for the system designer.
It is not possible to present a complex system in a way that can convey all the information about the system in an understandable manner. This is reflected in an ITS architecture, where multiple viewpoints, depicting different levels of detail and different types of information are used. These viewpoints might include:
Along with development of an architecture for ITS there are other analysis requirements to consider – among them:
ITS architectures can be divided into two levels: high-level architectures and low-level architectures. This is not something that is peculiar to ITS – the distinction applies to the use of system architectures in general.
In the context of Intelligent Transport Systems, a high level architecture is the conceptual design that defines the structure and/or behaviour of the system. It specifies the functionality needed to provide ITS user services – the specifications are technology independent and the selection of individual components and communications are open. This technology independence means that suppliers have freedom to choose a technical solution that is most appropriate for the client, whilst still complying with the overall architecture.
Low-level (or component) architectures, by contrast, contain the actual designs for hardware, software, data exchange and communications. They define more narrowly the technologies required including the use of ITS standards. (See ITS Standards) A low-level architecture could be developed by the commissioning body, if they have the expertise, but it is more common for design specifications to be developed from a high-level architecture by the systems integrator or system supplier. (See Systems Engineering)
High level ITS architectures are developed to ensure that component systems can be successfully integrated and that the ITS deployment satisfies certain objectives – namely it:
They have the following characteristics:
The creation of a high level ITS architecture with optimal system configuration requires the analysis of a number of different – but crucial – aspects of the proposed deployment, as follows:
The relationship between different system viewpoints and other important aspects of ITS deployment is illustrated by the diagram below.
Relationships between different ITS architecture viewpoints and other aspects of ITS deployment
The relationships shown in the diagram are bi-directional to illustrate how results from one one aspect may influence another. For example, as a result of creating the communications and/or organisational viewpoints it can sometime be necessary to modify the physical viewpoint.
To gain maximum benefit from a high-level architecture it should be developed before any work is done to procure the components and communications needed for the ITS deployment.
Low-level (or component) ITS architectures contain the actual designs and specifications for hardware, software, data exchange and communications. They define more narrowly the technologies required including the use of and the ITS related standards that are to be used particularly for interfaces and communications. (See ITS Standards) A low-level architecture could be developed by the commissioning body, if it has the expertise, but it is more common for design specifications to be developed from a high-level architecture by the systems integrator or system supplier (See Systems Engineering) and may not always be in the public domain.
There is an analogy between the different levels of ITS architecture and the architecture for a house. In both cases the architecture may have to be expressed in various forms to suit different audiences. For the house buyer, the architecture is initially used to show how the completed house will appear and the floor plan, for example room sizes and where the toilets are located. Once the homeowner is satisfied, more detail is added so that the construction workers are provided with drawings of walls, beams and columns including their precise dimensions. Similarly, the system architecture for an ITS deployment may be expressed in various forms that are mutually consistent. High-level ITS architecture provides stakeholders with views of how the ITS implementation will appear to them. Low-level ITS architectures expand this to include the technical details that enable equipment suppliers and system integrators to implement the services. The selection of a particular architectural form depends on how far the ITS concept has ben developed and the needs of the audience at hand. The idea of multiple architectural forms is consistent with the multiple viewpoints in the IEEE standard 1471-2000, “Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems.”
There are two types of high level ITS architecture in common use around the world – which offer two basic but different approaches – a framework architecture and a ‘model’ architecture – both of which provide a basis for the development of ITS architectures that can be adapted to suit particular ITS implementations. Some of these ITS architectures can be specific to a class of ITS applications. This is because they support implementation of a specific service, such as traffic control centres, car park management, or public transport fleet management.
A framework ITS architecture will use a set of user-led service specifications for different ITS applications that provide a flexible basis for further refinement and development. A framework approach is particularly suited to circumstances where a ‘top-down’ universal approach is not feasible. A framework ITS architecture provides the basis for stand-alone ITS master plans to be developed at the appropriate level (national, regional or local). It can also facilitate cross-border integration and an open market for interoperable ITS services and equipment. The best known example of a framework ITS architecture is the European ITS Framework Architecture (the FRAME Architecture - See A number of countries are using the FRAME Architecture as the starting point for their own national ITS architecture developments – these include Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy and Poland.
Framework ITS architectures have the following advantages:
Many regions of the world have developed ‘model’ ITS architectures that are adapted to the needs and requirements of their region and institutional arrangements. They are generally more prescriptive in how ITS deployments must be rolled out when compared with a framework ITS architecture. They often contain a physical viewpoint that will define the components used to deliver the services the architecture is able to support. For example the USA’s National ITS Architecture ( is fixed and its use is obligatory if federal financial support for ITS deployment is sought. It defines:
Other regions which have, or are, considering developing ‘model’ national architectures include Canada, Chile, Japan, Korea and Mexico. Further information is available in the review of current ITS architecture in use and/or planned from around the world available from the "Library/Other Architecture Reports" page of the FRAME web site at:
A framework ITS architecture and a ‘model’ ITS architecture both provide a structure (or template) from which ITS architectures adapted for particular ITS deployment can be generated. This allows the user the flexibility to tailor the architecture for specific deployments without losing the benefit of its common features - such as the interfaces for system components and communications. Standard interfaces are very important for consistent systems integration and will have greater importance in the future with the advent of cooperative systems ("C-ITS" for short, and known as "connected vehicles" in the USA). This is because of the need for services to be delivered in the same way, everywhere within a region, for example the USA, Europe, Australia and Japan. They make the exchange of information possible at an affordable and effective level.
ITS architectures that are adapted and customised from a framework ITS architecture have the following characteristics:
The FRAME architecture (see is the best known examples of a framework ITS architecture being used as the 'master" for regional and urban ITS deployments across Europe and other countries, as well as European research projects.
ITS architectures that are customised from a 'model' ITS architecture have the following characteristics:
The US National ITS Architecture ( is probably the best known examples of a 'model' ITS architecture, being used as the ‘master’ for regional and urban ITS deployments in the USA, Canada, Chile, Israel and other countries.
The choice of which particular ITS architecture development approach to use is dependent on the ultimate objective of the responsible authority or organisation – and will depend on how the ITS architecture is to be used and what is to be the starting point for its creation. In some cases the use of a 'model' ITS architecture is mandatory. For example in the USA, federal financing for ITS deployments is conditional on using of the National Architecture.
A framework ITS Architecture is generally more flexible than a 'model' ITS architecture – though both can be expanded to include extra and/or alternative services. Since framework ITS architectures are not prescriptive they can facilitate the search for an optimum component/communications solution to an ITS implementation. Using a framework ITS architecture requires some training from experts since its users need to understand the ITS architecture creation process and how to use it. (See Resources) A 'model' ITS Architecture is the least flexible since it contains restricted component configuration and communications specifications. But if no changes to the supported services are needed, they are often easier to use and do not require its users to be expert in the creation of an ITS architecture.
For economies in transition it is important to go back to basics to understand the scope for ITS to improve local transport problems and respond to user needs. These must be fully reflected in the ITS architecture’s design and specifications. This is necessary so that ITS deployments are planned and well suited to the local context. (See Deployment Strategies) It should be noted that a 'model' ITS architecture from one region may require considerable modification to adapt it so that it can be suitable for use elsewhere in other implementations of ITS.
ITS Architecture practitioners use many terms - a few are used more frequently than others. These include "component", "data", "information", and "communications" and it is necessary to make sure that everyone has the same understanding of how they are used. In addition, practitioners need to understand the difference between “logical” or “functional architecture” and “physical architecture”.
When considering an ITS Architecture, a "component" is a generalised term used for any constituent part of any ITS implementation that can be provided as an individual item. It can be considered to be a "building block" from which ITS implementations are assembled. It can be created from one or more "bits" of hardware or a combination of hardware and software. Sometimes a combined set of components will be called a "sub-system" of which there may be several in one ITS implementation.
Data about what is happening in the world outside that is relevant to the ITS implementation, arrives from many sources. (See: Basic Info-structure and Data and Information) It can represent the presence of a vehicle, data about a trip that a traveller wants to make, or details of goods and the origin and destination of their movements. The data can also be provided by other systems - such as data about the weather or details of services provided by non-road transport modes.
Information is the result of data that has been processed by one or more components within the ITS application. It can be traffic flow rates, traffic conditions, a trip plan, or details about a goods movement. It can also be the content of a variable message display and the "red/amber/green" indications at traffic signals.
The term "data communications" or sometimes "data communications link" is the term given to the mechanism through which data or information is transferred from one component to another - or between a component and something outside the ITS implementation. It can consist of one or more transmission media such as physical cable, wireless, microwave or infra-red - although their specific use may not be defined in the ITS architecture. Communications between people are enabled through an interface provided by a specialist component. For example an operator interface may provide access to several ITS services or traveller information may be provided by a variable message display.
The logical architecture or functional viewpoint depicts the functions of the ITS deployment and the associated data flows that take place between the internal components and those that link externally to people, data sources and other systems. This is defined in the formal descriptions of the services. Its development is used to identify common areas of functionality - so that the data can be shared across as many services as possible. The principle of "collect data once, share and use it many times" applies. The logical architecture is independent of any hardware or software approach.
Whilst all ITS Architectures have a logical architecture, the need to make it visible depends on the type of ITS architecture that is being created and how it is to be used. Generally speaking framework ITS Architectures need them, but customised ITS Architectures do not. How the logical architecture - or functional viewpoint - appears and is accessed will depend on which type of ITS architecture is used as the starting point for its creation.
In the context of systems engineering, the physical architecture or viewpoint shows how the functionality defined by the logical architecture (or functional viewpoint) is to be distributed amongst the system components in different organisations and locations. It is not a detailed design, nor does it include details on specific numbers of systems or equipment at particular geographic locations. Responsibility for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the system components may also be divided between different organisations.
One of the advantages of using a framework ITS architecture (such as the European FRAME architecture) is the option of exploring alternative physical architectures whilst maintaining the same logical architecture. This makes it possible to arrive at an optimal distribution of functionality in response to local requirements.
The communications architecture or viewpoint is created from the physical architecture and provides a more detailed specification of the data flows. It is at this point that the data flow characteristics are defined, such as how long the data transfer can take, how often, what security will be needed and how much data there is likely to be. The need for inter-operability can be assessed - for example enabling the same form of electronic payment to be used for all services. These detailed specifications enable a search to be made for suitable local, national or international communications standards. Existing standards should always be used wherever possible as this avoids the (sometimes lengthy) standards creation process and may make it possible to use existing telecommunications infrastructures. This means ITS deployments can take advantage of the rapid changes taking place in the telecommunications industry. Choice of communications will depend on what is available locally and the tariffs that can be negotiated with service providers. These issues need to be explored with the communications providers.
The organisational architecture or viewpoint is also created from the physical architecture and shows who will be responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of the components and communications links. It will also highlight the organisational structure that will be needed to support the ITS implementation so that it can be compared with what currently exists. This enables any changes that will be needed in organisational structure, roles and responsibilities to be described and then agreed by the stakeholders before the ITS implementation has begun.
This is an important but sometimes overlooked concept that defines the external boundaries of the ITS implementation - and where and in what form, interfaces are needed between the subsystems and the end users. As well as describing the interfaces it is also necessary to describe how the subsystems expect what is outside the ITS implementation to behave. An example of such an interface is the connection to a vehicle registration database held by the police or licensing authority which an ITS subsystem may need to access for the purposes of collecting electronic toll payments. For the ITS architecture the description of the database need only say what it is expected to do, e.g. provide contact information for a specific vehicle identity.
One important point to note is that end users that are human beings, e.g. travellers, system operators, transport planners and fleet managers, are always outside the system boundary. It is the input and output interfaces that are provided for their use that are inside the system boundary.
Copies of the European ITS Framework (or FRAME) Architecture plus its documentation and tools can be obtained at The FRAME Architecture includes support for Cooperative Systems/Connected Vehicles.
Copies of the US National ITS Architecture plus its documentation and tools can be obtained at Copies of the US Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA – for Cooperative Systems/Connected Vehicles) plus its documentation and tools can be obtained at
Within any single country or region, there are likely to be large differences between the set of ITS services useful for big cities and for rural areas. Many ITS applications (such as navigation and location based services) are market driven. In road network operations there are always key stakeholder groups, public authorities and private sector organisations with a part to play (for example - in motorway network management, traffic control and toll road operations). Each has different organisational areas of competence or responsibility (such as road safety, public transport, fleet logistics, policing and public security). Each has its own policy goals. Alongside there are the wider community objectives of improving road safety, transport efficiency and environmental quality. The process of stakeholder consultation is intended to take account of the bigger picture – to identify what ITS services are viable and how they should be implemented. This is outlined in the diagram below, which shows that the first step is to define the policy goals, and then identify the services that will support these goals. Stakeholders nominate the ITS services that will run either fully or partially within their own domains. These are then amalgamated to provide a set of services that have been jointly selected by all stakeholders.
Figure 21: Expression of Policy Goals in ITS Service Selection
The process of getting stakeholders involved should start by asking them to describe in their own words the services that they want the ITS deployment to include. In discussion these descriptions can then be modified so that they will support the policy goals. (See later more detailed section on "Describing the Services")(See How to Create One?) It can be very beneficial if this is done through a "stakeholder conference" so that the various groups can meet each other, discuss the options and understand each other's requirements. Often this will lead to the realisation that some of the services can be enhanced by exchanging data or information between different stakeholders.
For example, the highway network operators may be planning to deploy ITS for electronic tolling and automatic incident detection. This functionality can be adapted to give high-quality traffic and traveller information, with point-to-point journey times. An alliance between the network operators, toll road companies and the information service providers is needed to make this happen. The consortium will need to agree joint use of the ITS infrastructure, protocols for information exchange, and the data and information that they will use. All can be included in a common ITS architecture which serves the needs of all the partners.
Another example might involve the motorway network operators considering the use of ramp metering to maintain smooth traffic flow. An undesirable side effect can be long queues of vehicles that spill out onto the surrounding roads causing gridlock. Measures are needed to ensure that this does not happen. There may also be pressure to prioritise buses and coaches and other high-occupancy vehicles waiting on the ramp. The two network operators - for the motorways and the surrounding roads – need to design their traffic management policies and ITS deployments to minimise the conflict. This might involve some form of demand management with measures to encourage modal shift.
These examples emphasise the value of taking a broad view of the ITS deployment rather than each agency or organisation working in isolation. Collaborative working early on - to define the full scope of ITS deployment - means that changes can be made at relatively low cost before systems are designed and equipment has been purchased.
The benefits of creating and using ITS architectures depend on the different perspectives that stakeholders have: road network operators, transport service providers, suppliers.
The beneficiaries of ITS may be road authorities, road operating companies – who can benefit from ITS architectures in various ways:
Organisations that are concerned with the mobility of people and the movement of freight include national and local authorities and fleet operators concerned with intermodal transport – for whom ITS architectures provide the following benefits:
Suppliers may be component suppliers, communications providers or system integrators - for whom ITS architecture provides the following benefits:
An architecture approach can help all stakeholders to:
The risks of not carrying out the process of developing an ITS architecture may include:
If any of the risks are realised in practice, the costs involved in mitigating or correcting them will be significant. In some instances the only way forward is to "start again", and this time use an ITS architecture.
Despite all the benefits just described for developing an ITS Architecture, convincing the people that creating and using ITS architectures is of benefit to ITS implementation is not always easy. There are several reasons for this, the most prominent of which is that ITS architectures are seen as a constraint on commercial suppliers and system integrators. In fact they may be more liberating than a constraint because they enable stakeholders to appreciate how the ITS implementation will appear to them and what it will do for them. ITS architectures also enable stakeholders to consider all the options for the ITS implementation, including choosing to use technologies that are a best match, or if they don't exist, incentivise some research to find them.
The process of creating and using ITS architectures enables stakeholders to be much clearer about the services they want from the proposed ITS deployment – what it will do and what it will look like. As a result there will be fewer "surprises" when the ITS implementation starts up. It will help to avoid negative comments such as "I didn't know it would do that", or "I wish it didn't do that", or "I wish it could ….".
The benefits of creating and using ITS architectures need to be "sold" to the people, who are often referred to as "decision makers", meaning the people who decide that ITS will be implemented and that the finances will be made available to do it. In some instances a few of the stakeholders may also need to be convinced. So it is necessary to have a good "selling" pitch that can be tailored to suit each type of audience.
The use of ITS architectures in the ITS implementation process comes before any of the components or communications have been purchased or designed. This is because they do not contain any reference to technologies. In fact the component specifications and communications requirements produced from ITS architectures can be used as input to the procurement process. This is illustrated by the diagram below.
[Figure 1] The use of ITS architectures in the ITS implementation process
Organisations use various terms for the procurement process – such as "Requests for Proposals", "Call for Tenders" or "Request for Solicitations". What is important is that the architecture is included in the contract documents and is used by suppliers, communications providers and system integrators when developing their proposals. This ensures that the specification for components and communications will deliver the ITS services described by the stakeholders.
As part of their bid responses - suppliers, communications providers and system integrators can be asked to illustrate their proposals with their own system, software, hardware, data and communications architectures, all of which are low-level or component architectures. Each one can be compared with the ITS architecture to make sure that they conform to requirements and show a good understanding of what the stakeholders want.
ITS architectures are also included in the systems engineering "V" model, as illustrated by the diagram below. (See Systems Engineering)
Figure 2: ITS architecture in the Systems Engineering
There are a few other architecture methodologies that are in use around the world, which are mentioned here for completeness. Probably the most common of these are Enterprise Architectures, the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) and Object Orientated/UML Architectures. All three approaches cover more than just the architecture and go into system implementation and maintenance.
An Enterprise Architecture is a well-defined practice that can be used by organisations to guide the development of their businesses. It considers the business to be an "enterprise" and is perhaps the successor to "business architectures" that use business process modelling techniques. The concept of an Enterprise Architecture is attributed to John Zachmann when he worked for IBM in the 1980's and was responsible for the "Zachmann Diagram". It has been developed and updated several times since by organisations such as the Enterprise Architecture Centre of Excellence (EACOE at As far as is known, Enterprise Architectures have never been used for ITS implementations. The creation and use of ITS architectures does fit well with the Zachmann Diagram and is part "Business Model" and "System Model", with the preparation of the service descriptions being part of its "Scope" phase.
Another methodology that can be used for ITS implementation is TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework – see It is robust and used in many parts of the world, backed by a strong user community that offers professional certification for those that use it (TOGAF practitioners). TOGAF Architecture Development Methodology (ADM) divides architecture creation and use into several phases as shown in the figure below. The phases are similar to the steps shown in the figure on ITS architecture in the Systems Engineering "V" Model. (See Systems Engineering)
Figure 20: Relationship between the TOGAF Architecture Development Methodology (ADM) and typical ITS Architectures
Some phases of TOGAF are not covered either by high-level ITS architectures or by low-level ITS component architectures. These additional phases can cover subsequent steps in the ITS implementation process, such as procurement, installation, and operation. Including these steps within the architecture has the advantage of delivering both the actual solution, as well as closing the loop and updating the ITS architecture.
More information about the use of TOGAF in the Australian National ITS Architecture project can be found at:
Object orientated methodology has been long established for software and system design and is almost always illustrated using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). So far as is known only two ITS architectures have adopted it: the ITS architecture developed by ISO TC204 in 1998 and the Australian ITS Architecture, which was developed a few years later. based on ISO.
The ISO ITS architecture has largely remained untouched since it was produced and may now be lacking in support for many of the ITS services used today. The Australian ITS Architecture was also little used. In the last few years, Australia has begun development of a new Australian National ITS Architecture. It is following the route taken by most High-Level ITS Architectures (See What is ITS Architectures?) that have been developed around the world and using the methodology described in this module.
It is probably true to say that the object orientated methodology is inappropriate for use by people outside of the IT industry since it requires practice to become familiar with it. This methodology is more appropriate for low level (or component level) ITS architectures that are used by system and software developers.
Many developing economies will have little or no experience of ITS. This means that there will be very few existing ITS deployments and where they do exist, they will often be standalone having no links with any other systems. Thus any new ITS implementation will be starting from what is virtually a "greenfield site". In this situation, creating and using ITS architectures is virtually a "must" since it provides the greatest opportunity for assessing all of the options for component and communications configurations. This should be done without the influences of suppliers and providers, who will inevitably be keen to sell their own products, but should take account of what standards are available, particularly for communications.
Creating and using ITS architectures will provide the opportunity to specify components and communications that will produce an ITS implementation that is "open" – one that uses open, or publicly available, standards to which anyone can conform. This will in turn widen the potential supplier and provider base, in other words make it easier for a broader range of companies to tender for the supply of components and the provision of communications. This will apply not only to the initial ITS implementation but also to future expansions and upgrades, thus avoiding the trap of being "locked into" a particular source of components and communications.
There are two ways to create ITS architectures, either starting from nothing or by modifying an existing ITS architecture. Both approaches are directly related to the type of architecture from which they will be created (which could be either a “model” architecture such as the US National ITS Architecture or a framework architecture such as the European FRAME Architecture).
There has been much experience with ITS research, development and deployment - which is captured in two widely used architectures that exist today. The US and FRAME architectures have evolved with ITS over the past 20 years. Both have been refined to keep pace with ITS development and deployment in the two regions – and domestic and international standards have been developed, based on them. It would be very expensive to approach a new architecture development starting "from nothing". Adapting or adopting ITS functional definition from existing architectures offers a cost effective approach for a new architecture definition provided that the local user needs, institutional set-up and transport context (such as the package of user services, modal choices and traffic mix) are addressed. These may vary considerably from the assumptions inherent in either the US or FRAME Architectures.
The two ways of creating an architecture (start from nothing or adapt an existing architecture) share a common starting point. This is the description of the services that the ITS deployment is to provide - which has to be reflected in the ITS architecture. The process can be summarised as follows:
Service Descriptions -> User Needs -> Functional Definition -> Physical Partitioning -> Communications -> Linkages to Standards.
In the process shown above, any detailed concepts about how the services are to be delivered will be part of the “User Needs”. They are often referred to as “operational concepts” and “operational requirements” and are constraints that need to be applied in the ITS implementation process following the creation of the ITS architecture. Examples are a service “must be available all day every day (i.e. 24/7)”, or a service “must be available in the same way everywhere”. To highlight their importance these concepts are best captured in a Concept of Operations (ConOps) document that contains descriptions of how the services will actually work. To do this, the document requires inputs from some of the architecture viewpoints created later on in the ITS architecture creation process. So whilst creation of the ConOps document may be started early on in this process, it cannot be completed until nearer its end. (See Next Steps)
Describing the services that the ITS implementation is to provide is the first and most important step in the creation of ITS architectures. It is the foundation for all subsequent architecture development activities. (See Resources)
Generating the description of each service is best started by having a dialogue between the architecture team and those who want the service provided – usually referred to as stakeholders and who may be any of the following:
The process of engaging with stakeholders involves a sequence of activities:
The development team will need to meet key stakeholders, either individually, or as a group such as "road users", or a "quality circle." (See Planning and Reporting)
Another group to be consulted with be policy makers so that the services the ITS architecture provides will support national and regional policies. (See Why create an ITS architecture?) If a "vision" statement for the ITS implementation has been produced – those who developed it will need to be consulted. Another alternative is to select stakeholders by what they do (their function) – such as:
At these meetings just asking the attendees what ITS services they would like to see may not produce any real detail on the services the stakeholders want, from which the stakeholder aspirations can be produced. Often more will be achieved by discussing what each stakeholder does, any problems they currently have (for example delivering policy outcomes or developing user services) and how they see their activities will develop in the future. A useful question to ask is “what will be the organisation's main activities in 3-5 years' time?” This type of question will focus discussion on what ITS features or facilities are desirable in the future.
The architecture team will need to be represented by at least 2 people - one to lead the discussion and the other to take notes. Each meeting should be planned to last long enough to explore the issues in depth (often between half a day and a whole day depending on the number of attendees). How many meetings will be needed depends on the number of stakeholders and whether the team meets them individually or in groups. The advantages of either option are:
When all the meetings have been completed the architecture team will need to produce a report that describes each of the services the stakeholders want (Service Descriptions) included in the ITS implementation. The end result must be an agreed set of service descriptions that the stakeholders are prepared to endorse through their commitment to supporting the ITS implementation.
This approach creates the ITS architecture as something new, starting only from the service descriptions produced in conjunction with the stakeholders. This approach is not recommended for the following reasons:
There are a few specialist software tools available for ITS architecture creation. The two most widely used are probably System Architect from IBM and the Mega Process business modelling tool from Mega International.
Starting from an existing ITS architecture is normally the best way to create a new ITS architectures It builds on the experience gained from the creation of the existing ITS architecture – with the benefit of assistance being available from one or more sources if needed. There are two widely used options for creating ITS architectures in this way:
An ITS architecture that has been developed for one set of circumstances can be adapted and used as a starting point for other ITS architectures elsewhere if the circumstances are similar. For example an ITS Architecture created for one region might be successfully adapted to another region with suitable modifications. In general the ITS architecture development process follows the sequence:
Service Descriptions -> User Needs -> Functional Definition -> Physical Partitioning -> Communications -> Linkages to Standards.
The “operational concepts” and “operational requirements” explained above should be included in the user needs and will be important in the later steps in the ITS implementation process. They should also be covered by the Operations document. (See Next Steps)
The above process applies to any the creation of any ITS architecture. FRAME and the US Architecture both provide inputs to each of these process steps in different ways. Where the starting point is the:
Before a choice can be made between the two starting points, it is important to have discussed and answered the following questions:
The answers to these questions will help to decide which method is to be used to create the ITS architecture. Whatever the answers, use caution if the "Start From Nothing" approach is used because it will require a heavy commitment of resources over a long period of time without the benefit provided by an existing ITS community.
Choosing between the two options to “Adapt an existing ITS architecture” is a balance between the following issues:
If the services described by the stakeholders have a "US flavour" then the US National ITS Architecture is the obvious starting point – particularly if it is used for a single ITS implementation. In this case it is only the content of the services that is the deciding factor.
If there is not a good match between the services selected by the stakeholders and the US User Services or Service Packages, then the FRAME Architecture is a better starting point as it will be easier to adapt.
Developing economies may have little or no existing ITS components or communications. This means that the ITS architecture will be describing what can be viewed as a "greenfield" ITS implementation. It is tempting to think that the best way forward is to adopt the "From Nothing" approach. This is not necessarily true for reasons of cost, complexity and the lack of support from an existing ITS architecture user community.
A case study is available on the design of the Abu Dhabi Integrated Transportation Information and Navigation System “i-TINS".(See Case study)
Before starting work on creating the ITS architecture it is very important to estimate the resources that will be needed. The best way to do this is to split the work of creating the ITS architecture into three phases:
The numbers of people needed for each phase will depend on the number of stakeholders and the expected scope of the services that the ITS implementation is to provide.
Experience has shown that it is impractical to have only one person at the meetings with stakeholders to enable the Stakeholder Aspirations to be captured (See How to Create One?). This is because it is virtually impossible to direct the course of a meeting and take meaningful notes of what is said at the same time. Stakeholders can be encouraged to submit written descriptions of the ITS services they need or aspire to (“Stakeholder Aspirations”), but holding stakeholder meetings, either individually or in groups is a better way to gather this type of information. An accurate record of what is said at these meetings will be an invaluable aid to developing the detailed Service Descriptions. Discussions with stakeholders before the architecture is developed are likely to produce “Stakeholder Aspirations” rather than strict, specific Service Descriptions which need to be refined by the Architecture Team before starting work on creating the ITS architecture.
At least two people will be needed for each stakeholder meeting – one to lead the discussion and the other to take notes. If a large number of stakeholder meetings are needed, it may be necessary to deploy teams of two people each, so that meetings between non-related groups of stakeholders can be held in parallel. For most ITS implementations, the time taken to produce the service descriptions to the level of detail required, will be about 6 months, since it is usually necessary to talk to stakeholder representatives whose diaries are often very full.
Previous experience suggests that having more than one person working on the actual creation of the ITS architecture does not save time or effort and may produce inconsistencies within it. The best solution is to have one person creating the architecture and at least one person to review it.
If the ITS architecture is be created from either the US National ITS Architecture or the European FRAME Architecture, then the time required should be relatively short - about one month should be sufficient and includes the creation of the physical viewpoint. If the "Start from Nothing" approach is taken, then the time taken will be considerably longer – probably about 9 months for a small scale ITS project and up to 2 years for a more extensive architecture.
Creating the different viewpoints for an ITS architecture (physical, communications, organisational) and analysing other aspects of the ITS implementation (deployment, cost-benefit, risk analysis) (See What is an ITS Architecture) can be undertaken by several people – if necessary working in parallel. The possibilities for parallel working can best be seen from the diagram below.
Relationships between different ITS architecture viewpoints and other aspects of ITS implementation
Many of the links are bi-directional because work on one view or viewpoint can affect the contents of a previously created view or viewpoint. So for example, physical and communications constraints identified by work on their viewpoints can require changes to the way that the functionality is partitioned in the functional viewpoint.
It is tempting to think that some ITS architectures will not need all of these viewpoints or an analysis of the other aspects, for example when the ITS architecture for a research and development project. In practice this is not true. What will vary is the level of detail that is needed, so that for example, an ITS architecture for a single service may require less detail in its organisational viewpoint, plus a much simpler treatment of deployment, cost/benefit and risk.
To create all of these viewpoints and other outputs three people will be needed and they should be able to complete the work in three months. Obviously if less detail is required then the amount of effort reduces, which can be expressed either as a reduction in people or in the time taken.
Overall estimate of resources required to create an ITS architecture
The following table summarises the three phases of ITS architecture creation.
Phase |
Number of people |
Duration (months) |
Number |
Title |
Minimum |
Ideal |
1 |
Creating the service descriptions |
2 |
up to 4 |
up to 6 |
2 |
Creating the ITS architecture |
1 |
up to 3 |
1 |
3 |
Carrying out the follow-on activities |
2 |
up to 3 |
up to 3 |
The conclusion from the table is that between 2 and 4 people will be needed for a period of up to 10 months. It is advisable for each team member to work on the three phases of architecture development rather than focusing just on one.
Once the ITS architecture has been created, it needs to be maintained and kept relevant if it is to continue to serve a useful purpose. The resources required to do this should be small, with two people needed for a period of about 6 months every 12-18 months – but this will depend on the size of the project. The need to update the ITS architecture will depend on the speed of the evolution of ITS and the stakeholders’ need for implementing new ITS applications.
When allocating resources, it is helpful to keep in mind the long term situation and the need to keep the ITS architecture consistent with the continual evolution of ITS. For large ITS architectures, such as those with several different types of service (for example, traffic management, public transport and tolling) it will be cost effective to employ the same person to create and maintain the architecture. The dividends will be reduced staff resource time because of retained knowledge, which in turn can be translated into reduced costs. Stakeholders will be dealing with someone who knows about the ITS architecture, which will inspire them with confidence.
It is possible that there will be no suitable local expertise to create the architecture but dependency on the use of consultants will be expensive. A better plan may be to train at least two locally-based people to create the ITS architecture and carry out the maintenance work – drawing on a mentor for help and advice. The locally based people do not have to be software or hardware engineers - in fact it is probably better if they are not. Computer literacy, willingness to learn and enthusiasm are the prime requirements, with some knowledge of ITS being a great help. Local staff will be better placed to appreciate what the stakeholders want from ITS.
One of the two main starting points for creating a new ITS architecture from an existing ITS architecture is the US National ITS Architecture.
US National ITS Architecture Turbo Architecture tool provides facilities that enable users to tailor and expand the architecture content to meet the needs of their particular ITS implementation. The adaption process is described in parts of the “Help” facility for the Turbo Architecture tool, but users may find it helpful to obtain specialist assistance and advice before starting.
Using the US National ITS Architecture to create the ITS architecture that will support the services agreed with the stakeholders means taking the following steps.
Step 1. On the US Architecture website ( select the "User Services" tab. This will open a new window that displays a list of User Service Bundles and User Services, as shown below. User Service Bundles, are groups of User Services for similar ITS supported activities, such as Travel and Traffic Management shown below.(Click + to show)
Figure 6: US ITS Architecture website opening screen shot
Step 2. Clicking on a User Service will open another window containing the overall description of the User Service and descriptions of each of its constituent services, plus where they are used as shown below. The last piece of information can be ignored as it will be taken care of by the Turbo Architecture tool, illustrated below. (Click + to show)
Figure 7: US ITS Architecture website user services page
Step 3. Create a spread sheet, then copy and number the service descriptions approved by the stakeholders (See How to Create One) into the two hand columns. Mark the columns to the with headings for the User Services numbers and descriptions that match each service description, plus (optionally) an extra column for assumptions, cross references to other matches, or comments.
Step 4. Go through the service descriptions and find the matching User Services. Copy into the spread sheet the number and text of the User Service(s) into the appropriate row(s) opposite the Stakeholder Service description that they match, duplicating rows if more than one User Service is needed to completely match a Stakeholder Service description. The table that is produced should look something like this:
Stakeholder Services |
Matching User Service |
Comment |
Number |
Description |
Number |
Description |
2.1 |
The expected town expansion of 10-15k new homes and extra shopping facilities must be supported with suitable traffic management and public transport services. |
2.1.0 |
ITS shall include a Public Transportation Management (PTM) function. |
2.1 |
The expected town expansion of 10-15k new homes and extra shopping facilities must be supported with suitable traffic management and public transport services. |
1.6.0 |
ITS shall include a Traffic Control (TC) function. Traffic Control provides the capability to efficiently manage the movement of traffic on streets and highways. Four functions are provided, which are, (1) Traffic Flow Optimization, (2) Traffic Surveillance, (3) Control, and (4) Provide Information. This will also include control of network signal systems with eventual integration of freeway control. |
2.2 |
There is an overall need to optimise the use of the existing road infrastructure, improve Public Transport services, and improve the facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. |
1.6.1 |
TC shall include a Traffic Flow Optimization function to provide the capability to optimize traffic flow. |
Step 5. From experience it is a good idea for the Architecture Team to carry out this work individually and then compare their results at the end. The points of agreement can be accepted and the points of disagreement debated. At the end a table will have been produced showing the agreed matches between the Stakeholder Service descriptions and the User Service Descriptions.
Step 6. An alternative method for Steps 1-4 is in Step 1, to select the "Service Packages" tab which will open a new window that displays a list of the ITS service packages that the US Architecture supports. (Click + to show)
Figure 7.1: US ITS Architecture website Service Packages page
Step 7. Clicking on a Service Package will open another window containing its description and a diagram of its constituent parts. There are separate tabs that give access to a variety of other information about the selected package. (Click + to show)
Figure 7.2: US ITS Architecture website Service Package description page
The spreadsheet created in Steps 3 and 4 will should have "Matching Service Package" as the title of columns 3 and 4, which should contain the identities of the selected Packages.
Step 8. Do not be afraid of deciding that not all parts of one or more Stakeholder Service descriptions can be matched to one or more User Services or Service Packages. Both of these are based on the way that ITS is expected to be implemented in the USA.
Step 9. If you are unhappy with the way that the Stakeholder Service descriptions have been matched to the User Service descriptions or Service Packages, then the US National ITS Architecture needs to be modified to accommodate the service(s) you want to provide. If you need to do this then you should continue with Step 9 and use the Turbo Architecture tool help facility to find the guidance that will show you how to modify the architecture to include extra service packages and their associated elements.
Step 10. The next step is to download the Turbo Architecture tool from its page on the US ITS Architecture website. A link to this is provided by the "TURBO ARCHITECTURE" tab at the top of every webpage and it is recommended that you read this page before commencing to download the Tool. Downloading the Tool will also include a copy of the database it uses that contains the details of the US National ITS Architecture.
Step 11. Although the Turbo Architecture Tool is fairly easy to use, before doing so it is very wise to complete one of its training courses, some of which are available on line. The details of what they contain and how to participate are also available through the US ITS Architecture website with other training resources at the top of every webpage under the "TRAINING/WORKSHOPS" tab.
The Turbo Architecture Tool provides a step by step development of stakeholder needs in terms of the services that they want ITS to deliver. These are traced to physical subsystems and functional requirements. It is also possible to tailor the information flows to suit particular user requirements, provide linkages to standards, and identify stakeholders. This is all contained in a single tool and the products are interrelated, producing diagrams, tables and – for final production – webpages and documentation that make the architecture available to all stakeholders. An example of a diagram showing the subsystems and their interconnections for a typical ITS implementation is provided below (Click + to show).
Figure 8: Example of an interconnect diagram produced by the Turbo Architecture tool
In the diagram above the items in "grey" are subsystems in the full US National ITS Architecture that are not being used in this example.
The Turbo Architecture tool can be used to produce further details. These include:
All of the above are provided using pre-prepared templates, which will contain the selected information. Each table and report can be edited to change the layout or format to suit individual organisation requirements. Examples of these outputs can be seen by opening the "marinara" example, which is included in the Turbo Architecture program files.
A case study on the development of a national ITS Architecture for Chile is available. (See Case Study)
Further information about US National Architecture and details of training courses can be found from the US National ITS Architecture website at: This also provides a "Contact Us" link at the top of each web page for those with specific questions.
A fully comprehensive guide to creating ITS architectures from the US National ITS Architecture can be found in the US DoT publication, "Regional ITS Architecture Guidance , Developing, Using and Maintaining an ITS Architecture for your region", available for downloaded as a PDF file free of charge from the US Department of Transport website at:
One of the two main starting points for creating a new ITS architecture from an existing ITS architecture is the European ITS Framework Architecture, commonly known as the FRAME Architecture. This example is based on the work done to create an ITS architecture for a local road authority in the UK (the County of Kent) who has given permission for its use in this web resource.
To use the FRAME Architecture to create an ITS architecture that will support the services agreed with the stakeholders will involve taking the following steps.
Step 1. Visit the FRAME Architecture website ( and select the "Library" tab and click on "FRAME Architecture" as shown below. (Click + to show)
Figure 9: FRAME website opening screen shot
Step 2. On the next web page that is displayed, download the User Needs (1.4M doc file) plus the pictorial version of the structure of the User Needs (350kB pdf file), as shown below, and save both files. (Click + to show)
Figure 10: Selecting FRAME User Needs files to download
Step3. Create a spread sheet, then copy and number the Service Descriptions generated by the architecture team (and approved by the stakeholders (See How to Create One?),into the two hand columns. Label the columns to the with headings for the FRAME User Needs Numbers and User Needs Descriptions that elaborate each Service Aspiration, plus (optionally) an extra column for Assumptions, Cross References to Other Matches, or Comments.
Step 4. Go through the Service Descriptions and find the relevant FRAME User Need Descriptions in the "1.4M doc file" downloaded in Step 2. Studying the table of FRAME User Needs will help to identify the Groups of User Needs to consider. For the moment at least, ignore the Group 1 User Need Descriptions as these are "general" and can be used later, in the procurement process. These relate to issues such as adaptability, continuity, data quality, privacy, robustness, safety, security and user friendliness - all of which will need to be addressed in one way of another by various parts of the ITS implementation.
Copy into the spread sheet the Number and Text of the FRAME User Need Descriptions into the appropriate row(s) opposite the Service Aspiration to which they are relevant, duplicating rows if more than one User Need Description is needed to completely match a Service Aspiration. The table that is produced should look like this:
Stakeholder Services |
Matching User Need (FRAME) |
Comment | ||
Service Number |
Service Description |
FRAME Number |
User Need Description |
2.1 |
The expected town expansion with 10-15k new homes and extra shopping facilities must be supported with suitable traffic management and public transport services. | |
The system shall provide effective and attractive PT. |
2.1 |
The expected town expansion with 10-15k new homes and extra shopping facilities must be supported with suitable traffic management and public transport services. | |
The system shall be able to assist PT operators in planning for the optimum use of existing resources to meet the demand. |
This User Need also called up by service 2.2. |
2.2 |
There is an overall need to optimise the use of the existing road infrastructure, improve Public Transport services, and improve the facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. | |
The system shall be able to assist PT operators in planning for the optimum use of existing resources to meet the demand. |
This User Need also called up by service 2.1. |
Step 5. From experience it is a good idea for the Architecture Team to carry out this work individually and then compare their results when all the Service Aspirations have been processed. The end result will be consensus on a table showing the agreed list of User Need Descriptions that match the stakeholders’ Service Aspirations.
Step 6. Do not be afraid of deciding that not all parts of one or more the Service Descriptions can be matched to one or more User Need Descriptions. If this happens, the FRAME Architecture can be extended so that it provides the support for these services. How to do this is described in Part 3 of the FRAME Selection Tool Reference Manual, which is available from the same web page as the tool itself – see Step 10 and also Step 7 which follows.
Step 7. If as a result of your work in Steps 5 and 6 you decide that you do need to extend the FRAME Architecture, it is essential to see what is in it. To do this on the FRAME website click on the "FRAME Architecture" tab and select "The Browsing Tool" option, which will show the web page from which the Tool can be downloaded. (Click + to show)
Figure 11: FRAME Browsing Tool download page
Step 8. The Browsing Tool will need to be set-up by following the instructions on the web page, which also explains how to run the Tool. When run, the Tool will initially display its home page, from which the contents of the FRAME Architecture can be viewed. A sample of its display for part of the functionality is shown below (Click + to show) Browsing Tool pages for the data flows and data stores will be similar in appearance, and it is also possible to display data flow diagrams (DFD's).
Step 9. Navigating through the Architecture can be done using the Navigation Area on the or through the links provided by the "blue" coloured text in the main part of a page. Guidance about how to navigate through the FRAME Architecture using the Browsing Tool is also provided on the home page and in the FRAME web page referred to in Step 7.
Figure 12: Screen shot of FRAME Browsing Tool page
Step 10. Once you are happy with the way that all the service descriptions have been matched to the User Needs, download the FRAME Selection Tool. To do this, click on the "FRAME Architecture" tab at the top of the page and on "The Selection Tool" in the drop down list that appears. The web page that appears is shown in the diagram below and it provides instructions for downloading the Tool, the database it uses, its User Manual (needed for Steps 1-13) and the Reference Manual (needed for Step 6). (Click + to show)
Figure 13: FRAME Selection Tool download page
Step 11. Once the Selection Tool has been set up, the User Manual will provide guidance about its use to create ITS architectures. This involves selecting the FRAME User Need Descriptions identified in Steps 4 and 5 and using the Tool to include the functionality needed to support them (functional viewpoint), the physical viewpoint and - if needed - the organisational viewpoint.
The Selection Tool will perform checks on the logical consistency of the functionality that is included from the User Needs you have identified in Steps 4 and 5. It will expect you to resolve any inconsistencies by adding/deleting functions, data flows, data stores and terminators. If you haven't already downloaded the Browsing Tool in Steps 7 and 8, follow the instructions above. It is essential to use this Tool to study the FRAME Architecture to see what is causing the logical inconsistencies.
Step 12. The Selection Tool allows several physical and organisational viewpoints to be created for one functional viewpoint, which is part of the process of finding the optimum configuration (See Next Steps).
Step 13. To create a sub-set ITS architecture, a new physical viewpoint is created that includes as much of the functional viewpoint as is required by the sub-set. Several sub-set ITS architectures can be created from one functional viewpoint using the FRAME Selection Tool. It is possible to experiment by selecting different parts of the functional viewpoint - or to create different physical viewpoints for the same selection.
The FRAME Selection Tool produces a set of files that contain tables providing details of the contents of the functional, physical and organisational viewpoints. It is also possible to export the contents of the viewpoints as a separate database for use with tools such as ACCESS.
Due to the flexible nature of the FRAME Architecture, because it is intended to be easily adapted to suit individual ITS implementations, it has not been possible to create an automatic diagram creation feature. But these can be easily created using the tables and a drawing tool such as VISIO.
The following figures illustrate some of the materials that can be produced as a result of creating an ITS architecture from the FRAME Architecture, using the output from the FRAME Selection Tool. They relate to the ITS architecture developed for Kent County Council in the UK and are reproduced by kind permission of that Council.
The diagrams and tables shown below have been created from the tables produced by the FRAME Selection Tool. Using these tables, other diagrams and tables can be created that are important to specifying and visualising the architecture.
This diagram shows a sample page from the list of service descriptions that were produced from the "stakeholder aspirations" resulting from the stakeholder consultation exercises carried out by Kent County Council (KCC) before the ITS architecture was created.
Figure : Example of service descriptions for the Kent CC ITS Architecture
The "context diagram" shows the communications links to all the entities outside the Kent ITS Architecture. The system boundary is shown by the red dashed line. Some of the communications links that cross the system boundary will be electronic, such as link to the Maintenance Organisation, whilst others will be through human machine interfaces (HMI), such as links to "Operators" and Travellers. In the example shown, the term "operator" means a person responsible for managing a computer system. Other communications links will be different again. For example, links to “Traffic” will be through a variety of mechanisms.
Figure : The Kent CC ITS Architecture Context Diagram with the system boundary
In the example from the Kent ITS Architecture below, all the components have been grouped into three "sub-systems". Other ITS architectures could have more or less of these sub-systems.
Figure : The Kent CC ITS Architecture top level physical viewpoint diagram
The components within this sub-system have been grouped together to form several "modules", each of which delivers all or part of a service. For each "module" its communications links to the world outside the Kent ITS Architecture are shown and are the same as the links shown in the context diagram. Similar diagrams to this were produced to show the modules in the other two sub-systems.
Figure : A Kent CC ITS Architecture subsystem diagram
This is part of the table in the communications viewpoint which shows the requirements for some of the communications links identified in the physical viewpoint. In this particular instance, the link is between two modules in different sub-systems. Other similar tables were produced for other electronic links between modules, sub-systems and for the exchange of data with the outside world. The information in these tables would be used to define the types of links required and help specify the standards with which they must conform.
Figure : A page of the Kent CC ITS Architecture communications viewpoint
This is part of the table that shows the links between the "aspirations" created by the stakeholders and the "modules" in the physical viewpoint. This table is most useful if the services are to be implemented over a period of time, as it shows which "modules" will be needed by each service. In some instances additional services can be provided "for free" because the components specified in the physical viewpoint have the capability to be shared.
Figure : A page from the Kent CC ITS Architecture table of components required by services
Additional diagrams and tables can be created for other viewpoints that will provide more detailed insights into an ITS architecture (See What is ITS Architecture?). Examples could include:
Free information about using the FRAME Architecture - including extending it - is available from the FRAME Architecture website at: To find some of this information, scroll down the home page to find links for specific topics. The web site’s “FAQ” facility (in the "FRAME ARCHITECTURE" drop down menu) and its pages in the "LIBRARY" drop down menu, for example "Articles and Papers", provide further information. Any questions (and comments) that are not answered by any of these resources can be sent to
What happens after the ITS architecture has been created depends on the type of architecture and the starting point used for its creation. The possibilities can be reduced to:
Model architectures which have been customised can be used to develop other viewpoints (such as the organisational viewpoint) but may be more difficult to use as the starting point for the development of a new sub-set of architectures. Framework architectures can be easier to use to explore different physical and/or communications viewpoints and to create new sub-sets to support new separate services, or combinations of services.
Sometimes it can be helpful to study the impact of different physical and communications viewpoints on the ITS implementation(See What is ITS Architecture). It can be useful to create different physical viewpoints with alternative component configurations and look at the effects the alternatives have on the communications and organisational viewpoints, and other important aspects of deployment such as cost/benefit. This process can help identify the optimum system configuration that:
Each implementation configuration is analysed using the architectural tools for the US ITS Architecture or FRAME (as appropriate) and the results from creating the ITS architecture in the following ways:
There are relationships between each of the above as well as between each of them and the contents of the ITS architecture itself and with the service descriptions. These are shown in the diagram below.
Relationships between different ITS architecture viewpoints and other aspects of ITS deployment
As can be seen from the diagram, some of the relationships are two-way and the architecture may need revising to create the optimal system configuration as a result of analysing different aspects of the planned implementation. One of the benefits of creating an ITS architecture is being able to do this at an early stage before any contracts have been placed for equipment and communications to be designed and/or purchased.
For some ITS architecture practitioners the creation of a Concept of Operations (or ConOps) document is a key part of the ITS architecture creation process. Its usefulness depends on how the ITS architecture is going to be used and the content of both the functional and physical viewpoints.
The ConOps document can be used to provide answers to stakeholders' questions about what is needed, how it works, who is involved and when it is needed. In order to produce this document, the starting point must be the service descriptions produced at the start of the ITS creation process. And it is for this reason that some ITS architecture practitioners believe it should be produced before the viewpoints and views are created. Indeed it can be used as a mechanism for creating the initial view of the functionality before it is put into the functional viewpoint. However if this is done, the ConOps document should only be regarded as "work in progress" and not considered "final" until the other viewpoints and views have been produced.
Once the service descriptions have been produced and included in the ConOps document, it can be used to provide answers to the following questions:
The information used to answer these questions will be included in the functional, physical, communications and organisational viewpoints. As already noted, this information can be written into the ConOps document as these viewpoints are produced, so long as it is updated after they have been finalised. Alternatively the ConOps document can be produced towards the end of the ITS architecture creation process.
The ConOps document can provide a joined up view of how the services will operate that is not directly provided by the other results of ITS architecture creation. It can also include a diagram to illustrate at a high-level the way that the main components and entities outside the ITS architecture will interact. In practice this diagram will be a combination of the context diagram showing the system boundary and the top level physical viewpoint diagram and could be as shown below.
A typical high-level architectural sketch for Road Network Operations
Like the ITS architecture itself, the ConOps document must not include references to any technology that could be used, or that will need to be developed for the implementation of the service(s) it describes. This is because one of the users of the document will be the stakeholders for whom it can provide a view of how the people creating the ITS architecture believe the service will work. Thus it will be important to get the stakeholders to agree the content of the ConOps document before proceeding to the "Procurement" stage.
Once the stakeholders are happy with the ConOps document its other group of users is the component developers and communications providers. For them it provides the joined up view of how services are to be provided. Therefore and the inclusion in it of any suggestion about technologies to be used will act as a constraint on their design work.
An issue often raised when planning ITS implementations, is how to deal with pre-existing investment in ITS components and communications. The ITS deployment plan produced from the ITS architecture will need to show how these legacy systems are incorporated.
The architecture will inform an analysis of the suitability of any existing ITS components and communications under the following three headings:
In order for these categories to be applied an audit review (inventory and performance appraisal) of existing ITS related components and communications will need to be completed. This is a useful exercise in itself, since it may reveal equipment/installations of which people were unaware or which are at unforeseen locations. An audit of this type is not part of the ITS architecture creation process but is an important part of major new ITS deployments – and can be carried out by people outside the architecture team (See Resources).
ITS is continually evolving as the travel needs of people, organisations that move goods and other travel related organisations continue to develop. Maintenance is important for the ITS architecture to remain relevant - but often overlooked as there is little enthusiasm to allocate the funds to do it. Some form of a maintenance plan needs to be put in place with an appropriate budget. The size of this budget will depend to some extent upon the number, scope and complexity of the ITS services that the architecture includes. But a very rough guide for budget forecasting purposed is that it should be 10% of the total development cost.
The maintenance plan does not need to be onerous, but it should enable a review of the ITS architecture to be made about once every 12-18 months - or less frequently if the architecture has already been adapted to reflect significant changes to the ITS services. The purpose of the review is to see if any new services need be added to the ITS architecture and deployment plans. This requires discussion about the services currently provided and whether stakeholders want them to be revised, upgraded, or new services added (taking account of the features and performance of services provided elsewhere).
If changes need to be made to the ITS architecture, the maintenance plan should provide for its update, following the same sequence of steps as when a new architecture is created (See How to create an ITS Architecture).
When an ITS architecture is updated, the principle of "backwards compatibility" must be followed in relation to any new ITS deployment. The intention is that any changes do not invalidate any developments from the existing ITS architecture. This means that the identifiers for component and communications links should only be re-used in the updated ITS architecture if their characteristics and functionality remain unchanged. So for example if as part of the updating process, the functionality in a component is modified, it must be given a new identity (number and name) as must the revised functions. Similarly if the external source or destination of any communications link, or the data it transfers is changed, the link must be given a new name.
This discipline is most important for framework ITS architectures and is a feature of every new version of the FRAME Architecture. So in parts of the FRAME functional viewpoint, the function numbers start at a value other that 1. For example in functional area 5 the first function number is 5.11; elsewhere there are apparently missing numbers in the sequence – for example in functional area 2, the function numbers are 2.1.2, 2.15, 2.1.7, 2.1.8 and 2.1.9.
Systems engineering is an inter-disciplinary approach to the design and management of large and/or complex engineering projects throughout all stages of their life cycle from the very start to the very end. Usually the project begins with a "vision" describing in general terms what the project is expected to achieve and it ends when all the engineering tasks in the project have been completed and customer acceptance has been achieved. Sometimes a project is completed by an in-house team, in which case the end will be when what it has provided, has outlived its usefulness and been dismantled. It can be quite difficult to resolve when a large and/or complex engineering project is said to be complete. Using systems engineering mechanisms enables all of the issues to be identified and addressed in a logical – and usually timely manner.
Although there is some dispute about the reliability of published statistics on success and failure rates for IT projects, there is much evidence to suggest a significant number are not successful – with some that are failures, often leading to their cancellation. The definition of failure usually means that they either:
One way of defining ITS is to say that it is the application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to transport and – in the context of Road Network Operations – particularly to road transport. It is reasonable to suppose that the success rates of major projects that implement ITS are likely to be similar to that of IT projects unless appropriate measures are taken to minimise the risk of failure.
One of the key elements in the application of the systems engineering methodology is the involvement of all stakeholders so that they can feel part of the ITS implementation. This can be achieved through participation in activities such as defining the vision of the services that ITS will provide – and understanding how the provision of these services can be translated into something that can be implemented, that is created and deployed.
Systems engineering provides mechanisms that enable projects for ITS implementations to be delivered in a way that is:
Meeting each of these delivery targets will help each particular ITS project to reach a successful completion. An important outcome is that success will encourage existing and new stakeholders:
As with any methodology, the use of systems engineering does not provide a total solution. Other factors are the expertise, and creativity of key personnel, the situation knowledge and awareness of the stakeholders and the competence of those actually doing the ITS implementation.
The link below to a lecture by given by Professor Brian Collins, who is a world-class authority on systems engineering, provides a general introduction and overview of the subject and shows how a systems approach has been used to solve some well-known problems in transport. The video clip lasts about 50 minutes and if viewed in its entirety will provide some useful insights into various aspects of deployment that need to be considered when implementing ITS. In responding to questions Professor Collins underlines the importance of including both politicians and the media as stakeholders in ITS implementation.
The development of ITS in Road Network Operations (RNO) can be traced back to the simple systems used to control road traffic about 50 years ago. The control system collected data about traffic flow, processed it and from the results of this processing – output commands to vehicle drivers, as illustrated by the diagram below. The data were collected from sensors that detected the passing of road vehicles, and the output commands were the "red-amber-green" indications from traffic lights.
Figure 1: A very simple ITS implementation
Since those far off days, ITS has evolved to become much larger (supports a wider selection of services) and very much more complex (they needs more and different components). ITS may now:
The advent of cooperative systems (usually shorted to Cooperative-ITS (or C-ITS) and called "connected vehicles" in the USA) brings further complexity that involves sharing of both collected data and the results of data processing, in which vehicles play a more active part. The system shown in the diagram above has expanded to become something similar to that shown below.
Figure 2: A complex modern ITS implementation
This example is typical of many of those being deployed in many places around the world. As the demand for ITS grows, the complexity of each implementation will increase – both in the number of services it provides and the geographic areas that it covers.
System engineering provides mechanisms that help to ensure that ITS projects of this complexity can be successfully implemented. This means they will deliver the functions that stakeholders expect and do so within timescale and budget.
One of the principal mechanisms is the ability to manage project programmes. If the programme can be properly managed then it can be completed on time and within budget.
Systems engineering programmes show the technical or engineering steps that have to be taken from the start of work through to when it is completed. In very simple terms the programme will consist of the following four steps:
These four simple steps can be applied to almost every project that implements ITS, no matter how complex, or not, each project happens to be.
Although many terms are used in systems engineering, two are used more frequently than most of the others. They are system "component" and "communications" and it is important to understand how they are used in this context.
A system "component" is the name given to any constituent part of an ITS implementation created from one or more "bits" of hardware – or a combination of hardware and software – that can be provided as an individual item. Usually, an ITS component provides a particular function, so in many ways it is a "building block" from which ITS implementations are assembled. Sometimes a combined set of components will be called a "sub-system", but depending on what it is, this name could also be applied to a single component.
The term "communications" or sometimes "communications link" is the name given to the mechanism by which data and instructions are transferred between system components, or between a component and another system that is outside the ITS implementation. It can be one or more data transmission media such as physical cables, and/or other less tangible forms of links such as wireless, microwave or infrared. In this context “communications” do not include the means of communication with the people who are the system operators and end users (travellers, drivers and freight shipping managers). These will be provided by specialist system components, such as operator interfaces or variable message displays that provide information to travellers and/or drivers. (See Engagement with ITS)
In the modern world, although most projects to implement ITS follow the four steps highlighted above, each step has become more complex. This is an increasing trend as ITS evolves particularly now that new services which are dependent upon data sharing between them (Cooperative-ITS) are moving from the exclusive province of research and development efforts into actual implementation projects. The steps in the programmes for these projects need to be expanded from the four highlighted above. Use is often made of what is called the systems engineering "V" model. Various descriptions of this will be found in resources, such as systems engineering textbooks. Simplifying some of the terminology found in these resources produces the programme illustrated below.
Figure 3: Diagram of the systems engineering
The first two steps – “Service Descriptions” and “ITS Architecture” – shown on the -hand side of the "V" are considered here. (See What is ITS Architecture?)
More information about the remaining two steps on this side and "Component Design" is provided here. (See Technical or Engineering Development)
All the steps on the -hand side of the "V", which are about testing and integration, are discussed here. (See Integration and Testing)
Some versions of the "V" model include a step called a Concept of Operations, or ConOps. It usually appears in or near the Service Description or ITS Architecture Steps at the top of figure above . The work in both these Steps can provide input to the ConOps, and further detail about this work is covered here. (See What is ITS Architecture?)
In addition to the systems engineering "V" model, other methodologies are also available to manage ITS implementations. These include "Enterprise Architecture" and the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) which are discussed in the context of ITS architecture. (See What is ITS Architecture?)
As well as the logical progression from one step to the next, it is important to include "Verification" and "Validation" as links between some of the steps.
Verification: this is a process to test whether the system component meets all the design requirements and technical specifications at each stage. What is done in one step must be compatible with the results of the previous steps. So for example, the “sub-system design and communications procurement” step may show that some of the choices made in the previous step “component specifications and communications requirements” are difficult or impossible to achieve. In this instance the ITS Architecture would have to be reviewed to see if any changes are needed to solve the problem, which if they are, will lead to a revision of the component specifications or communications requirements and some of the other outputs produced from it. (See Next Steps?)
Validation: this is the process of testing whether what has been produced as the result of each step in the hand side of the "V" model achieves the desired result, and requires that test specifications are produced. Creating a test specification should be a part of each step on the -hand side of the "V" model. If it is impossible to test the result then how will anybody know if what has been produced is doing what it is supposed to do? In this situation it may be better to review the design to see what needs to be altered to make testing possible?
Progress from one step to the next down the -hand side of the "V" should not take place unless verification has been completed and the test specification has been produced and agreed.
Sometimes, and particularly if the ITS implementation will involve several stakeholders or there are several services to be provided, it is very useful to create a statement of the "vision" that the stakeholders have of what they want to achieve. It is produced in close consultation with the stakeholders (perhaps with one taking the lead) and provides an overall picture of the ITS implementation by highlighting the following:
The "vision" should be less than a page in length and designed to be read in not more than 5 minutes. If necessary, bulleted points and diagrams should be used in preference to using lots of text. In many ways it is a "selling" document to be read by senior decision makers such as those who allocate financial budgets. But it can also be used to encourage the participation of other and perhaps as yet undecided stakeholders. The other use it has is as the precursor to the more detailed service descriptions that the stakeholders will have to produce at the start of the steps in the "V" model where the ITS architecture will be created.
(See Formulating a Programme)
Many developing countries may have little or no existing ITS components or communications. Consequently the road users, travellers and those that move goods (end users) and road managers will have limited experience of using many of the services that ITS can provide and those providing the services will have little or no experience of the on-going management of what is required to provide them. This is an important factor in deciding the scope of at least the initial ITS implementation in order to build experience of ITS and manage expectations.
Creating the "vision" statement described in the previous section can and should generate much enthusiasm about the services that ITS can provide and the benefits that they will deliver to both travellers and those that move goods. It will be tempting to include all the possible services in the first ITS implementation. This will be a mistake, a likely consequence of which is that the implementation of at least some of them will fail and/or those that are implemented will not perform as expected and hence not deliver the anticipated benefits. ITS may get a "bad press" and make it difficult to gain support from stakeholders for implementing additional services – or in the worst case – fixing those already implemented that are not performing as expected. It can also result in the development of bad relations with suppliers and/or system integrators, who will probably be blamed for the under performance of the services.
Despite what it may say in the "vision" statement, a realistic scope must be set for the initial ITS implementation. For example:
the service providing a priority system for buses will not work until the road traffic management system it needs to operate has been implemented first and proven to actually manage traffic using the road network in the way that was expected.
a trip planning service will not perform very well unless the service that collects and collates traffic data has been operating for a sufficient length of time for reliable predictions to be available for journey times, something for which several months of operation will almost certainly be required.
The important point is to set a realistic scope for the initial ITS implementation in terms of the number of services it will support. This could be included in the "vision" statement but is perhaps better put into a separate "ITS implementation strategy" document. This document should also include details of a rolling programme for the introduction of further services over a period of time – that perhaps extends to years rather than weeks or months. (See Strategic Planning and Case Studies on Finnish ITS Strategy and Seattle ITS Strategic Plan 2010-2020 )
A "rolling programme" (or "rolling plan") produces a phased implementation of ITS services in stages instead of implementing all the services at once. Each stage starts after the previous one is completed and is operating successfully.. For example, before bus priority measures are developed, the traffic management service on which they depend will be up and running and delivering benefits. A rolling programme can be implemented over months or even years, depending on the number of services and their complexities. Training and management of personnel involved in the ITS implementation can be better managed this way. Using a core team of people who manage the implementation of successive services provides continuity of knowledge and experience.
The rolling plan should not be time dependent, but driven by the proven successful implementation of the previous set of services. Thus ITS will be implemented in a series of logical steps rather than a single "big bang". Another good reason for having a rolling plan is that it will help to create a good level of interest from prospective contractors because there is the prospect of further work when extra services are added in the future.
Media and publicity can be very important for the success of any ITS implementation. Information provided to the media (radio, television, newspapers, social media, the technical journals and other platforms) needs to be handled properly. If the implementation is proceeding according to plan and the services will deliver benefits that the travelling public and freight shippers want – there should be no problem. If either of these is not the case – for example, an ITS scheme that is very costly or unpopular – then the media can become hostile. Negative publicity is more likely when the implementation runs late, is over budget or the services do not perform as expected.
It can be useful to employ a media consultant or publicist who is experienced in ensuring that information about the ITS implementation is timely and correct and is not open to misinterpretation.
The USDOT ITS ePrimer Module 2: Systems Engineering includes a very useful list of reference sources of information to aid further study of this whole subject. The Module is authored by Bruce Eisenhart, Vice President of Operations, Consensus Systems Technologies (ConSysTec), Centreville, VA, USA and is available on-line at:
The case study on the Abu Dhabi Integrated Transportation Information and Navigation System (i-TINS) provides an example of how a systems approach is applied in practice. (See Case Study: System Integration (Abu Dhabi)) There are two different aspects to managing the implementation of an ITS project, both of which are important.
The first is done by the Project Manager (PM) and covers all of the work, but with a heavy emphasis on the financial and contractual aspects. It also involves dealing with the ITS service users and customers, some of whom may not be represented by any of the key stakeholders.
A second aspect is the technical or engineering part of the work and is done by someone often called the "technical" or "engineering programme manager". This person will concentrate on the programme of technical work involved in the ITS implementation.
Project Management includes managing everything that is necessary to complete the ITS implementation to the satisfaction of its stakeholders. At the outset, project management must make sure that there is an agreed project plan in place and that the plan is followed during implementation. The level of detail must be sufficient for all participants to know what they have to do, the timeframe in which it has to be completed, any dependent project-related activities and the availability of any external resources that are required.
As part of the implementation of the project plan, project management will involve:
Acting as a "go between" with stakeholders is a two-way process. It means representing the project to the stakeholders so that they are informed about what is happening and the reasons for it. It also means representing the stakeholders to the project team to make sure that any concerns are addressed – and to deal with any changes that the stakeholders would like to see. These changes can be anything, from planned events to requirements for services – both of which can change as the project progresses during implementation.
Changes to requirements for services are sometimes collectively known as "requirements creep" and can be a natural result of changes in user attitudes towards ITS and developments in technology that make additional and/or revised services possible. (See How to create one?)
The magnitude of the project management activity will depend on the size and scope of the ITS implementation. Aside from the usual factors such as number and scope of services and transport modes, plus geographical coverage, other factors that affect the size of the activity include the numbers of stakeholders, suppliers and communications providers. Some building work may be needed, such as for a control centre, plus other work such as installation of equipment in different locations (for example the roadside) and sometimes the removal and proper disposal of existing components. None of these tasks and activities should be underestimated as some will have their own particular complexities, such as installing a variable message display over a busy part of the road network necessitating temporary traffic restrictions. All of them will need to appear as items in the project plan.
If most activities take place in the ways and at the times shown in the project plan, then the project management activity is not too onerous. It is when there are deviations from the project plan or when contractual difficulties emerge that the demands on project management increase dramatically, in scale, complexity and content. There will be times when (unfortunately) some delicate diplomacy will be needed if all the activities related to the ITS implementation are to be completed with any degree of satisfaction for everyone that is involved.
The project management activities are best carried out by a dedicated Project Manager (PM) who must be appointed before any work actually starts. Who it is will depend on a number of factors. According to the circumstance the PM may come from:
No matter where they come from, the person who is the PM has to manage all the work to implement ITS on behalf of all those involved, whether they stakeholders or suppliers, and must not favour the interests of a single entity or group at the expense of the others.
For the larger ITS implementations which are often complex and have lots of engineering content, it will be beneficial if a separate person is appointed to manage the systems engineering programme. This job can be seen as a "technical project manager" or "engineering manager", because the person doing the job may not get directly involved in the contractual or financial aspects.
The person appointed to be the technical project manager can come from
a dominant supplier, which might be the one that provides all the control and management centre components, or the person, could be from the communications provider.
if a large number of suppliers are involved, a system integrator can be appointed to which the programme manager will belong. The system integrator is often a specialist organisation and should preferably be one with a proven track record of implementing ITS and a knowledge of the particular services that the stakeholders want ITS to provide.
Whatever the origins of the person managing the systems engineering programme, they need to be able to manage all of the steps shown in the system engineering "V" model (See Systems Engineering Programme) according to the project plan.
Obviously it is important to have the numbers of staff involved in the management of the ITS implementation. For the project management part of this work, there is nothing better than an experienced Project Manager (PM), preferably with some recognised professional qualifications in project management. Experience of working in ITS is not necessary, as the PM is primarily concerned with contractual and financial matters, but knowledge of local laws and customs will be advantageous. Ideally the PM should be appointed before the "procurement" stage of the ITS implementation starts. This enables them to be involved in the final contract negotiations and to take ownership of the agreed terms and conditions. It also means that they can produce or validate the project plan at an early stage, which will enable it to have the most beneficial impact on the project. The PM should also participate in the negotiations for any sub-contracts covering specialise activities, such as building works and installation of components at the roadside.
As noted above, the PM may come from a leading supplier, or the system integrator (if one has been employed), or a large and/or dominant stakeholder, or be a complete outsider. Once the ITS implementation has been completed they can move on to other work. But if the ITS implementation needs any upgrade or improvement work, then it will be of benefit to use the same PM again to take advantage of their previous experience and any relationships they have built up with any of those who will be involved.
Similar comments apply to the person managing the systems engineering programme, the "technical project manager" or "engineering manager", except that it will be a definite major advantage if they have some previous experience of working in ITS. They should be appointed as part of the "procurement" stage of the ITS implementation, perhaps as part of the contract with a supplier, communications provider, or system integrator.
The advantage of having a systems engineering programme manager who is employed by one of the main stakeholders is that person could also be retained for work on any upgrade or improvement work that the ITS implementation requires in the future, to take advantage of the knowledge of its complexities that will have been gained from the previous work. The resourcing of staff for individual component and communications development and testing will be a matter for the suppliers and providers involved, but should be expected that the person or people involved will have some relevant experience.
For developing economies, finding the people for the project management and systems engineering programme management roles may be difficult. If expertise in either of these roles is available locally, it is more likely to be that for project management. Employing a person with knowledge of local laws and customs will be a definite advantage.
Finding a suitable person locally for the engineering programme management role will probably be more difficult. This will be particularly true if there is no local expertise in ITS related technologies and communications.
There are several consultancy companies specialising in ITS implementation that will be able to provide engineering programme managers with suitable experience. These companies vary in size from large international organisations with offices in several parts of the world, to small single person organisations. The former are likely to have a broader range of experience of implementing ITS services than single person organisations, but this does not necessarily make them any better. It is best to do some research to find out what actual ITS implementations they are working on currently and have worked on in the past to assess their experience. Also communicating directly with their actual customers will almost always provide a much better idea of how good they are.
Ideally what is needed is an organisation that is prepared to set up a local office and to recruit and train local people in engineering programme management. This will have definite advantages in that the knowledge gained from a particular ITS implementation can be retained locally and be used in any future ITS related work.
Project management is now a discipline in it its own . So it should be possible to find someone, or an organisation with the knowledge and experience to perform all the activities correctly and in the way. There are organisations that actively promote the professionalism of project management and offer access to qualifications for project managers. The largest of these is the Project Management Institute ( that has branches (called chapters) in most parts of the world. It has published a book called "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge", which is now in its 5th edition.
This is the sub-system and component design, plus component development parts of the system engineering "V" model. (See Systems Engineering Programme) They are the parts that appeal to most of those involved in developing ITS technology and generate the most "excitement". This is largely because development work is where the systems are invented, developed, tested and implemented – and where people can be hands-on with the hardware and/or are able to create the software. It is also where things can go seriously wrong, which can have a very significant impact on the timescales and/or costs for the ITS implementation as a whole.
The motivation for creating new technology is often that none of the existing technologies will enable a planned service to be implemented. Also creating new technologies to replace what exists can make the implementation of a service easier and/or cheaper, so improving the benefit to cost ratio.
An example of this is the service to detect the numbers of occupants in a vehicle. Until recently, the only way to do this was to have a person located at the roadside so that they could visually check each vehicle as it passed by. Now infrared and video camera technologies have advanced to the point where a camera can do at least some of the checking.
Creating new technology is fraught with risks and must not be undertaken without proper and robust justification. This justification may be difficult to achieve, especially as most ITS implementations are often constrained by time, for instance the stakeholders want the services to be available now, or maybe in a few months, but not in a few years. What stakeholders do not want is an open-ended timescale where nobody really knows how long it will take to develop the required new technology. There are too many real life stories of ITS and other technology-based implementations that have failed because either the new technology could not be created and/or developed, or the resulting product was too difficult or expensive to produce.
Using technology that has already been developed but has never been applied in practice has less risk than using new technology. It still requires careful assessment and a good robust justification as there are many risks in going from the prototype or development phase to the production phase in technological or engineering development.
Using existing technologies that have proven track records of being successfully used in other ITS implementations provides the least amount of risk. They may also be much cheaper and there may well be a bigger choice of suppliers than for new or prototype technologies.
Design and Development starts with the component specifications and communications requirements that were created when the ITS Architecture was produced. (See How to Create One) If any currently available components and communications equipment is to be used (sometimes called "off the shelf"), then there is not much to do, other than integrate them together. (See Integration and Testing)
If something new is required, then how the component suppliers and communications providers go about producing them will be kept hidden, largely for commercial reasons. But there are a few things about which project managers, system integrators and others monitoring the ITS implementation can ask questions. The nature of the questions depends on what is being designed and developed and can be broken down into three areas: hardware, software and communications.
For many ITS implementations, no new hardware will be needed, so it should be possible to see the actual physical components being produced and to ask for evidence of previous testing, especially where this relates to compliance with regulations. If new hardware is needed then it is not unreasonable to be shown prototypes and/or watch them being tested. It may also be necessary to ensure that any local regulatory approvals that may be needed to locate and operate equipment at the roadside have been gained.
Most ITS implementations will need new software to be created, although it may not be entirely new and may involve the customisation or more serious modification of what already exists. The creation of new software is difficult to monitor because there is nothing "physical" to see. It should, though, be possible to examine the high-level software design and then monitor progress being made with the creation of modules within it, even if they are modifications of what already exists. Getting figures about the number of lines of code produced does not always mean very much on its own. It needs to be coupled with the percentage of the total that it represents.
The software supplier should have a robust and reliable code checking process in place, so that what has been produced is checked (sometimes called a "code walkthrough") before being tested. This particularly applies to software created for services that require access to/from the Internet, if the chance of unauthorised access is to be reduced to almost nothing. In this case it should be possible to carry out intrusion tests to prove that data is tamper proof and is not accessible to others not connected with the ITS implementation.
If data about planned and current traveller movements is being processed compliance with local and/or regional privacy statutes and standards must be carefully checked. Again this may require some testing, or proof that testing has been successfully completed.
If new end user interfaces are being produced, then prototypes must be made available for review and testing, preferably by representatives of the users, rather than any other group.
At one time suppliers were usually required to provide a copy of the software that they had developed for the project as part of their contractual obligations. This was either for use by the stakeholders at some point in the future, or to be held in escrow in case the supplier was unable to make any desired changes in the future. Software now is often so complex and spread across a number of suppliers and components, that this is no longer a realistic option. It also requires one or more of the stakeholders to have the necessary expertise available to use the software, which except for very large organisations is not usually the case.
Most ITS implementations will use physical communications links that already exist. In some cases, ITS may have to share these links with other unrelated services. Important questions to be asked are:
Data privacy will be particularly important when data about planned or actual traveller and freight movements is being collected and transmitted across communications links. This will be particularly important if the ITS implementation includes services that are provided by Cooperative ITS (connected vehicles). In either of these cases it is very important to check that all local and/or regional privacy statutes and standards are being followed. (See Data Ownership & Sharing)
In general the communications standards used in ITS implementations should have been produced by standards development organisations such as ISO, IEEE, CEN, ETSI and SAE. (See ITS Standards) Failure to use such standards may have the following impacts:
the communications are expensive to set up because bespoke equipment and/or dedicated physical links are needed
inter-operability with other neighbouring ITS implementations may not be possible
An example of the second point is if a bespoke communications mechanism is used for the link between vehicles and the roadside. This means that all vehicles need to have specific communications units fitted, which may be incompatible with those needed elsewhere, such as in an adjacent geographic area. In some cases this will not matter, for example because vehicles are not taken to the adjacent nation geographic area, but within continents such as Europe, Asia, Africa, plus North, Mid and South America, movement of vehicles across national borders is becoming more common
Design and development activities are probably the most important parts of the ITS implementation process, but are also the most difficult to monitor. Information about progress can sometimes be gained just by asking the questions of the suppliers and communications providers doing the work. But in the end it can be a question of trusting that suppliers and providers will do what they have said in their contracts. A way to start to build that trust is to ask other organisations that have used the same suppliers and communications providers how did their ITS implementations work out, were there any problems that were unsolved, or could have been prevented by better working practices?
Integration is the process by which all the components and communications links needed to provide the services to be delivered by the ITS implementation are brought together and tested with one another. It is often a gradual process, with groups of components being tested first before all of them are tested. When viewed from the "outside", these components appear to work as one – and their individual identities and functions may be hidden. When viewed from the "inside", the components are working together and sharing data.
Before integration can start, each of the components to be integrated must be tested on its own. This will almost always need to be done in a special environment that enables the inputs from and outputs to the world outside the component to be simulated. An advantage of simulation of the inputs is that it enables the full spectrum of possible values and/or conditions to be tested – including ones that are low probability or unexpected. For outputs, the advantage of simulation is those that are unexpected should not cause problems for other components, or for end users. Once the testing of components on their own has been successfully completed, they can be tested together, which is what the process of integration is all about.
A similar way of working must also be applied to communications links, which may pass through several physical locations and/or use several physical mediums to transfer data from one component to another. It is therefore better to test each part of the link in isolation before testing the whole link as a single entity.
The testing of the components and communications that is carried out in order to integrate them will usually go through the following stages:
Steps (1) to (3) are usually carried out at the suppliers' premises. If the stakeholders have employed a system integrator, steps (2) and (3) may instead be carried out at the integrator's premises, or at a place of their choosing. Steps (4) and (5) are usually carried out at the location where some of the components are going to operate, such as a control centre. It may be possible to increase the representation of external interfaces to include some of those for end users such as those for car parking and Public Transport. For both these Steps, in addition to a representative sample of external interfaces, communications links should either be included or simulated.
Step (6) is a trial period of operation for the ITS implementation. During this time all of its components and the communications links must be available and being used to provide all of the services the stakeholders expect to see, based on what they wrote in the service descriptions. The trial period should be sufficiently long that any particular situations for which services must be available actually take place – for example major sporting events, particular types of incidents, holiday periods, plus major festivals or New Year celebrations.
Almost all of the testing steps identified above must be described. The possible exception is Step (6), which is essentially normal operation and may require a different form of description. The descriptions of the testing in the other Steps are provided through test specifications that describe the following in detail:
The specifications for each of the tests must be written at the corresponding stage in the system engineering process. For example, the specification for the final acceptance tests must be written when the service descriptions have been created and agreed by the stakeholders. Ideally the stakeholders should write them, but in practice they are often written jointly by the stakeholders and the main supplier, or system integrator. Similarly the factory and site acceptance tests must be written when the component specifications and communications requirements have been produced. Although the stakeholders should be involved, the main supplier or system integrator will do most of the work.
For Step (6) a much simpler test specification should suffice. It may be necessary for the specification to state how acceptance tests will be conducted if any critical situations, such as sporting events, particular incidents, holidays and festivities, do not occur.
Creating good test specifications is a "must" if the components and communications links are going to work as expected. There are no short cuts to this requirement. The other thing to do is to keep a record of what tests have been done, by whom and with what results. If possible get all the tests witnessed by someone from the either the organisation that is responsible for doing the tests, or the organisation(s) that provided what is being tested. This will be particularly useful when repeats of failed tests are needed.
A necessary pre-requisite for the final acceptance that an ITS implementation has been successfully completed is the formal acceptance of the records of the completed tests. This should show that all of them have been successfully completed and that any required repeat testing has also been successfully carried out.
Where there is little or no local experience of using ITS amongst the stakeholders it is important to take one or both of the following actions:
If possible go for the second action in preference to the first. It will provide lasting benefit once the ITS implementation has finished the final acceptance tests. It will also help with the successful completion of the first few months of ITS service delivery.
It is advisable to get as many as possible – if not all – of the stakeholders involved in the final acceptance testing before the trial period of operation starts. This will help them to become familiar with what the ITS implementation will do and help to prevent the trial period of operation producing too many "surprises". Also because people from the suppliers, communications providers and/or system integrator will be present at the acceptance tests, any questions from the stakeholders can be answered much more quickly and with more authority.
A good way to get the stakeholders involved in the final acceptance testing is to ask them to provide the people to participate in the testing. So for example, if the ITS implementation includes a control centre from which the road network will be managed, then get the actual operators who will be in the centre to test the services it provides. If some of the system interfaces in the control centre are for Public Transport operators or the Emergency Services, then get those organisations to provide people to test the relevant services. For example if the drivers of Emergency Vehicles can witness the operation of "green waves" they will be able to see and understand the benefits that ITS can provide.
Once the ITS implementation is complete, the system components and communications links have to be operated and maintained. This will enable the services to be delivered as required by the stakeholders and for maintenance work to be carried out to ensure that of the services delivery can continue. Operations and maintenance does not just happen – plans must be put in place so that what needs to be done is understood and the appropriate resources are available to do it. (See System Maintenance)
The short video about the work of the Swedish Transport Administration provides some useful points for justifying the use of ITS, from one of the leading European implementers. It is not so much the technical solutions that are highlighted as the philosophy and the inclusion of tasks such as maintenance, which is highlighted for good reason.
Because ITS implementations are diverse it is not possible to describe one solution that will fit all of them but there are common issues that need to be considered so that solutions can be found for the individual circumstances. Establishing the areas of operational responsibility is best done by considering them under the three headings of managerial, geographic and technical.
Determining how much management will be needed to deliver the services that the ITS implementation is providing is best done by considering some of the following issues:
The need to consider some or all of these issues depends on the scope of the services being provided, but the above are examples of some of the more common issues that are likely to arise.
The assignment of responsibility within the management organisation depends on its structure, which will vary from one ITS implementation to another but must be agreed before ITS is implemented to avoid and potential embarrassing situations later. Sometimes the organisation will have been created specifically for the ITS implementation, but on other occasions responsibility for ITS will have been acquired in addition to its existing portfolio of responsibilities.
Some ITS implementations will be large enough to cover several geographic areas, such as the states or provinces within a nation, regions within a state, or districts of a city. The issue is whether management of the services will be centralised at national, state or city level, or distributed to smaller geographical units, within the state, region or city district.
If responsibility for service management is distributed then the relationships between these organisations will be important and must take account of local differences that may impact on ITS operations, such as:
How issues like the above are accommodated depends on the scope and content of the ITS services and the organisational structures both within each geographic area and at the higher (national, state or city) level. It is important to enable them to be discussed and procedures/actions agreed by all those who will be involved before the ITS implementation has been completed.
The allocation of technical responsibilities will be slightly different for system components and communications. If everything works correctly, then it does not matter too much. Only when a component or a communications link fails or performs in an unexpected way does it become important. Inevitably, this will occur at some point in the life cycle of any ITS implementation and it is important to consider in advance its likely impact.
The question of who has technical responsibility for any mal-performance of ITS lies in deciding where the "design responsibility” rests. This can be done by looking to see where the methodology and/or technology to be used in a component or communications link is defined and allocating the responsibility to whoever created that definition. The most common examples are:
It is best to ensure the "design responsibility" rests with the organisation that is most appropriate to carry it – the one that is most likely to have the capability to resolve any issues as and when they arise.
For system components design responsibility should be placed with the suppliers. For example, if the control centre terminals have to give users access to the ITS applications and also enable them to do office tasks (for example, word processing and answering e-mails), the component specification should state these requirements and say this must be included in the design of the terminals. The specification should not define the operating system, processor, memory and other features as this is in effect defining the design of the terminal and shifts responsibility for any problems to those that wrote the specification.
A similar approach is needed for the communications requirements. They should not say that a packet switched network operating at a particular speed must be used. Instead they should define parameters such as how much data is to be transmitted, how often, with what reliability, expected transmission duration, which parts of the links are on mobile devices, the level of security that is required and the resilience needed to combat unauthorised access. Such a specification will also be much easier to test, since these are verifiable parameters.
In addition to the scope and content of the services provided by the ITS implementation, the need for relationships with other organisations will depend on the environment in which the services will operate. The environment will be defined by the geographic coverage and by the number of organisations involved. (See Integrated Strategies)
Some ITS implementations will provide services in several geographic areas. If the services in each area are to be operated and managed by different organisations, then unless the areas are completely separate, meaning that the road traffic conditions in one area have no effect on those in other areas, relationships – such as operating agreements – will need to be established between them. The scope of these relationships will be based on such factors as whether the need to co-operate is a regular occurrence or only under particular circumstances. (See Planning and Reporting)
It is also possible that some of the services that are provided in the same geographic area will be operated and managed by different organisations. For example, services related to Public Transport and tolling will often be provided by their own organisations. In these instances, the way in which their operations can inter-act with each other and with other service providers needs to be defined and act as the basis for the relationships. It may be necessary to develop detailed operating agreements between the different organisations. So for example, how should the road network operator respond to requests for vehicle priority from the Public Transport organisation? Another classic example of the need for relationships between organisations is where the road network uses a lifting bridge to cross a waterway that is managed by a port authority – how is the need for the bridge to open for vessels and closed to vehicles to be managed?
Finally the issue of the participation of the Police and/or other law enforcement agencies in road network operations will need to be addressed. In some countries the two are distinct, whilst in others it is the Police Force (or sometimes a dedicated part of it) that operates and manages the road network. If the road network operation and the Police Force are separate organisations then the relationship needs to define what the co-operation will be and how it will be implemented. For example can the road network operator report traffic offences, or to what extent can some of the data from the traffic control centre (for example, CCTV images) be used as the basis for the successful prosecution of offenders? (See Policing / Enforcement)
In countries with very little experience of implementing ITS, it could be difficult to set up the "environment" to operate and deliver the services. The "environment" will be defined by the organisations involved and how the responsibilities are allocated between them. To some extent this depends on the structure of the existing organisations and the relationships they have with each other. It may be necessary to create one or more new organisations, structures and relationships for the ITS implementation. The important point is to create an organisational structure that avoids un-necessary conflicts between organisations, whilst ensuring proper management of their activities.
For example, in some geographic areas, it is the Police that provide whatever road traffic management is currently in place. The issue to be resolved is, should they continue to do this in the ITS implementation, and if not, when and how should they interact with the organisation that will be responsible for the traffic management service(s)? There is no one universally applicable mechanism that will resolve this issue, but whatever is put in place must be recorded so that once agreed, there is no further dispute about the role of each organisation and who is responsible for what, when and where.
The probable route to achieving what has been described above, is to buy-in external expertise either directly or through consultants. If this route is followed it will be advantageous to visit ITS implementations that have used the proposed source of expertise and/or consultants and to discuss how the organisational relationships work. It is also worth remembering that sometimes what works for one country or culture will not work for another.
The staffing level is the number of people required to operate and manage the ITS implementation so that the services are delivered. It needs to be calculated in two ways:
How these two totals are calculated will depend on a combination of the following nine factors:
Not all of these factors will be relevant to every ITS implementation – but those that are will determine the maximum staff requirements needed.
The scope and content of the services provided by the ITS implementation will determine the skills that staff will require to possess in order to operate and manage it. Also the level of responsibility to be assigned to each member of staff will be another factor that determines the level of skill. The ideal member of staff will need to possess the following skills:
If the organisation that operates and manages the ITS implementation decides to carry out its own maintenance activities, then a new set of skills will be needed. These will be more technical and may cover such things as component replacement, component repair and software maintenance. Candidates for these staff positions will either need to have had specialist training, or to be provided with it when they start work. Such training will almost always be available from hardware and software component suppliers, but in the case of software may also be available from other organisations.
The maintenance of the communications networks is often best provided by the communications network provider(s). On occasions access will be needed to their premises and/or equipment, some of which may be used by other network customers. It is often useful to have staff capable of diagnosing communications problems, so that the network provider can be contacted and given some vital information about the possible nature of the problem.
Getting people with the skills in ITS as described above may be difficult. There may be several options to resolve this issue, but two of the most obvious are:
Of the two, the first is the short-term solution and may be initially cheaper. In the longer term, training local people is the answer, even if it is more expensive initially. There are many organisations that offer suitable training, and sometimes it can be included in the contracts for suppliers and/or system integrators. Many of them will provide the training either at their own premises, or in the location where ITS is being implemented. The acquisition of experience in communications is probably best as an issue for the communications providers to resolve.
The organisations that operate and manage ITS systems and services can each decide to do some or all of their own maintenance or sub-contract it to other organisations. The increasing complexity of ITS implementations and the services that they provide tends to promote the idea of using sub-contractors.
Advances in the technologies found in the system components and communications networks used by ITS implementations have reduced their need for regular maintenance. The days of frequent periodic maintenance activities for hardware and equipment are fast going and are being replaced by a philosophy summed up by the expression, "if it isn't broken, don't fix it".
Modern day roadside equipment will normally only need occasional replacement of light sources and sensors. Even this is declining with light sources now operating at low voltages. In other respects the trend is for maintenance activities to only be needed following the effects of extreme weather conditions, such as extremes of temperature flooding and high winds. There are some exceptions to this trend, such as mechanical barriers at car parks or bridges, and equipment in tunnels that will need extra safety checks that will need to be carried out on a regular basis.
Control centre and communications equipment is following the trend towards little or no maintenance activities. When anything does go wrong the tendency is to replace rather than repair.
The one exception to the "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" mantra is software which is often updated periodically, either because problems have been found or to include improvements. This is particularly important for any components that will be connected to the Internet, as they must be protected by sophisticated firewalls and software to prevent unauthorised access. Whenever software changes are made Configuration Management (CM) needs to be employed to ensure that the changes are managed and that it is possible to revert to the unchanged version if problems arise.
Except for the large organisations that often manage ITS implementations in cities and across states, provinces or nations, it is usual to employ sub-contractors to carry out maintenance activities. These sub-contractors may be specialist maintenance organisations, or the component suppliers, particularly for roadside components.
Whatever form of sub-contractor is used, the scope and content of their activities must be defined in a contract, sometimes called a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA must define such things as what is to be maintained, the hours and days during which the sub-contractor must attend to a reported fault, the response time for a reported fault, how long a repair can take, at what point must a replacement component be fitted, spare stock holdings, plus the competence and availability of the sub-contractor's staff. A cost structure must also be included, to either fix a price for each activity, or fix an overall price for all maintenance activities. SLA's usually only operate for a fixed period of time (2-5 years) and will need to be renewed when the time has expired, often through a tender submission process.
The possible exceptions to the use of sub-contractors for maintenance activities are large cities, or other geographic areas for which the scale of the ITS implementation is large, particularly in terms of the amount of hardware used. In these instances the amount of maintenance work required will make the recruitment and training of specialist hardware maintenance staff, providing a stock of spares and a repair facility, a benefit to the organisation operating and managing the ITS implementation. Sometimes the organisations in adjacent areas can combine their maintenance activities to benefit from not using sub-contractors.
Software maintenance is usually different because even in a large ITS implementation there is not the same quantity as there is for hardware, and understanding, modifying and replacing it is more complex. For example, the software for a typical urban traffic control system may have between 250,000 and 500,000 lines of code, which will take a software engineer several months to fully comprehend before any changes can be made. Therefore it is better to get the software supplier(s) to maintain what they have supplied.
It is likely that in most countries it will be maintenance of hardware and communications links that will need to be provided, as software maintenance is almost always best to its suppliers.
One way for a developing country to proceed is for ITS maintenance to be done by the component suppliers and communications providers. Quite often a period of maintenance can be included as part of their supply contracts. All the provisos about such things as Service Level Agreement (SLA's) mentioned previously need to be included. Items such as maintenance equipment and spare parts should be stored locally. How the spare parts are provided is something that has to be negotiated as part of the maintenance contract(s). If the service providers take responsibility for ensuring that sufficient spare parts are available it can sometimes be a question of balancing a possible reduction in the cost of maintenance against the greater freedom to change contractors at the end of the maintenance period.
Other factors to be born in mind when negotiating maintenance contracts include what local presence the maintenance contractor(s) will have, and to what extent the contractor(s) will employ local people. The latter can be very important. For the long-term future of the ITS implementation it will be advantageous if the local employees acquire the training to give them the technical skills needed to carry out the maintenance activities.
Standards have an important part to play in Road Network Operations. They are firm specifications and requirements. They ensure that systems and equipment are interoperable (sometimes with interchangeable components) – even when they are from competing vendors. A good understanding of the different types of ITS standards and their current stage of development is necessary to develop a robust ITS deployment strategy. The use of accepted standards for communications protocols and data message sets is essential, for example, when setting up data exchange arrangements between road network operators and related service providers– such as traffic management centres and traffic information providers. The standards ensure that information is correctly received and interpreted by the different software systems. (See Data Communications)
Major ITS standardisation programmes are underway in Europe, the US and Japan to address the growing need for ITS standards. They are negotiated through international standards organisations. (See Standards Organisations) These bodies have produced a broad range of standards – from traveller information to vehicle safety systems. Many standards emerge from ITS development activities - providing the basis for widespread deployment and support activities. Prototype development and field-testing help ensure that standards are fit for purpose and ready for adoption. In some cases, standards are mature enough for their use to be mandated by governments – to accelerate the deployment of ITS systems to improve mobility, safety and efficiency.
The goal of global harmonisation around standards for some ITS applications – such as satellite navigation and cooperative vehicle systems – has gained increasing support from governments and industry. A number of governments now formally coordinate their positions on standards, whilst the automotive industry has come together with digital map suppliers and mobile telecommunications and internet companies – to address the challenges of the more fast-moving technologies, such as smartphone-vehicle integration.
Changes in consumer expectations – and technical developments – create the need for standards to enable new ITS applications to be developed and deployed. Growing levels of vehicle connectivity and a focus on sustainability and “green ITS” provide opportunities for optimising transport networks. For instance, data obtained through crowd-sourcing and vehicle probes can be used by network operators and in user applications, to inform drivers about road and traffic conditions and alternative routing.
Connected vehicles demand new technical solutions, supported by standards, to ensure fast, reliable V2X communications in safety-critical situations.
V2X covers both Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) telecommunications. (See Connected Vehicle Technology)
Automated vehicles rely on well-understood human interfaces and applications that can be certified as safe and reliable to operate on public highways. As transport solutions take advantage of the opportunities provided by the “Internet of Things”, more information interfaces must be managed. Examples include consumer devices such as smartphones, which interface with vehicle display systems and connect with transport information providers. (See En-route Information)
The growing body of ITS standards is a valuable resource for the increasing number of organisations deploying ITS. A review of emerging standards can also provide an insight into new industry and technology developments and trends. Standardisation may relate to some or all of a technical specification and the operational guidelines.
ITS standards will continue to evolve quickly to keep pace with new technologies and applications emerging from within and outside the transport community.
The motivation for standard setting varies. It includes securing better safety, reducing costs, and market enhancement of products. For example, for safety reasons, a driver should not be faced with complicated in-vehicle route guidance functions whilst the car is moving. To prevent this, a standard governing vehicle displays is needed to ensure a good user interface with the driver which is not distracting or confusing. (See Design of ITS for Vehicles)
For both public and private organisations involved in procuring ITS equipment, there are compelling reasons for adopting voluntary standards wherever possible:
The perspective of suppliers is less clear-cut. Depending on their market position, private companies may – or may not – be motivated to participate in standards setting by consensus. Common standards can lead to economies of scale in production – and open up sales to a wider market. Companies in dominant market positions are usually reluctant to move away from the de-facto standards of their own products – unless they are convinced that the establishment of new consensus standards would help them access a much larger market.
In general, private companies whose business is globally oriented, are interested in consensus standards and global agreement on standards – to secure economies of scale in manufacturing and marketing their products. These standards also reduce their risk of investing in new products and services that may have limited market potential – or could soon become obsolete.
The word “standard” is often misunderstood and misused. A dictionary definition of standard may refer to “a level of quality or attainment” or “falling within an accepted range”.
The official International Standards Organisation (ISO) definition of a Technology Standard is “a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.”
Developing and adopting voluntary standards provides many benefits:
Standards can be categorised in various ways according to different perspectives that are not mutually exclusive.
ITS technical standards are concerned with how communications are adapted for a specific application – standardising specialised ITS data content and governing communications interfaces. These include protocols and message sets which enable smooth data flow and information exchange among components and subsystems:
There are some cases where ITS-specific communications standards have been developed – most notably in electronic tolling and other vehicle-to-roadside technologies. In this case, the standardisation of frequencies and modulation techniques ensures that communications hardware and software interoperate correctly. (See Standardisation & Interoperability)
Regulation can also be used to accelerate and harmonise deployment of ITS. An example of this approach is the European Commission’s ‘ITS Directive’. (See It mandates that new ITS deployments in the EU comply with standards specified under the Directive – in four priority areas:
ITS standards cover a very broad range of ITS technologies, systems, services and products – ranging from map databases to vehicle control systems. Standards also have a vital part to play in the context of:
Various types of ITS rely on radio services for communication and data exchange (Image courtesy of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ETSI)
Two applications that are central to ITS for road network operations are the telecommunications and associated data exchange standards for ITS. Some of the applications are shown in the illustration above.
More recently, a focus on safety-related communications has led to the extension of this standards work in two areas of communication:
These standards are needed for the deployment of cooperative systems which depend on highly reliable, very low latency communication interactions (time delay) between vehicles and the roadside. For example – vehicle to roadside communications used in applications to assist in collision avoidance and traffic flow optimisation. (See Warning and Control)
As vehicle connectivity has increased, the ITS standards community has recognised the need for standardised interfaces and interactions between the vehicle and:
In the USA, a standards suite for road network operators and traffic authorities is the National Transportation Communications ITS Protocol (NTCIP). It has been updated continuously since its development in 1997. Its standards aim to facilitate data transfer:
A new set of standards which enable data transfer to and from connected vehicles and devices is being developed through a number of coordinated international efforts. (See New Forms of Mobility) For example:
The process of implementing standards within a road network operation must be approached systematically:
Step 1 – Identify – where standards should be used. It is preferable to use standardised systems wherever possible – but it may not be feasible to standardise every aspect of every system, for a variety of practical reasons such as cost, availability of appropriate solutions,
Step 2 – Determine – whether appropriate standards and examples of practice already exist. Standards development is expensive – and substantial efficiencies may be gained by learning from existing practice,
Step 3 – Assess – vendor offerings to determine standards compliance.
System architecture can be used to identify where standards are needed – now and in the future. System architecture is a conceptual framework that shows how different components in a system should fit together. It also shows the key processes which require a standardised interface – especially for communications and data exchange. The figure below illustrates this.
The ITS architecture provides the context for standards development by defining the different subsystems and the data that has to flow between them. The architecture can also help identify whether the various standards should be local, regional, national, or international. This will depend on the relevant interfaces and an analysis of operational needs, user requirements and hardware/software specifications. (See ITS Architecture)
Sample standards architecture (AustRoads)
Once the need for a standard has been identified, it is important to determine whether such a standard already exists or must be developed. Many ITS standards have already been written – and additional standards development is underway in a broad range of organisations worldwide. Research of existing standards work identifies existing standards and standards in the making. The websites of the major standards organisations provide an initial set of sources to investigate. (See Standards Organisations)
Many major standards have significant user communities that can assist new users. The relevant national or regional ITS organisation will have suitable contacts. Practitioners who have already implemented ITS standards in the field are often happy to share valuable lessons learned. Many standards development organisations have resources to help connect new users to sources of help and standards training.
The standards required may not exist. If this is the case, it is important to assess the costs and benefits of embarking on a standards development exercise with the appropriate standards development body. For a rapidly developing field such as ITS, the timing of standard setting is particularly important. Premature standards setting risk stiffling innovation.
Once standards are established, consideration needs to be given to how existing systems can migrate to the new standards over a reasonable period of time. Users who have already invested in systems are reluctant to switch to new standards before they have achieved a reasonable return on their investment. Public and private organisations need to work together to promote standards that:
It is important to recognise that products and services developed to the same standard – by different manufacturers and vendors – are not automatically guaranteed to work together properly. Interoperability failures can arise from unclear standards documentation, multiple options within a standard, or partial, rather than complete standards conformity.
One example of the interoperability challenge is the attempt to demonstrate a single vehicle’s interaction with two different European cooperative system field trials – FOTsis ( and DRIVE C2X ( Both prototypes were designed to be fully standards compliant – but in practice, testing showed that they were not sufficiently interoperable to allow a joint demonstration.
(See Diamandouros, K, et al., FOTSIS - European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation, IRF 17th World Meeting, 1 July 2013).
To avoid interoperability failures, it is critical to test standards by building prototypes – and to test finished products to see if they are truly interoperable. Some major standards bodies – such as the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) – have programmes to do this. It is also often the case that independent companies take on this role. These procedures certify products as fully compliant with the standards cited. (See Equipment Certification)
It is important to investigate the level of standards conformity provided by a product to ensure that it will work properly with other products within the same system. In some cases, regulations may be put in place to require interoperability and standards compliance.
There are no definite answers to these questions, but it may help to:
There may be a gap in national expertise on new and evolving standards – and existing standards may not fully support local needs. Involvement in the international standards development process can help address both these issues – but it requires on-going resourcing that may not be available. It is essential to ensure access to useful resources that can help:
The Japan Society of Automotive Engineers (JSAE) publishes an annual report on current work in the International Standards Organisation’s ITS Technical Committee (ISO TC204). The 2014 report is available for download at
The JSAE website provides a listing of world standards organisations and their websites (See
Standards are created at the international, regional and national levels. Stakeholders meet under the umbrella of dedicated standards bodies or organisations. Groups of committed individuals participate with the support of their companies or governments – in Working Groups that follow a formal process of development, review and ratification:
Private companies, especially those whose business is globally oriented, may be interested in consensus standards and harmonisation of global standards – to secure economies of scale in manufacturing and marketing. These standards also reduce their risk of investing in new products and services that may have limited market potential or could soon become obsolete.
In some cases, private companies may not be interested in participating in consensus standards setting. Companies in dominant market positions may be reluctant to move away from the de-facto standards of their own products – unless they are convinced that a new consensus standards will help them access a much larger market. In situations, where the social and economic benefit of having standards is high, a government initiative may be needed to secure their realisation.
Coordinated standards development is primarily handled by two types of organisations:
An industry consortium may form around a specific industry need for a standard – where the participants feel that they want to work more quickly and informally than is possible in an accredited group.
Standards developed in consortia may be submitted to an accredited body for formal standardisation. Standards developed by an individual country or region may become part of a more broadly harmonised approach – and contribute to regional or international standards setting. Some countries require adherence to standards if they have been formally approved by specific international bodies.
ITS standards have for decades been the subject of active international discussion and cooperation in organisations such as the International Standards Organisation (ISO) and the European Committee for Normalisation (CEN). Multiple stakeholders – governments, standards development organisations, and commercial entities – must reconcile their various objectives, approaches and timescales, to achieve the benefits of working together in this way.
Intergovernmental agreements have been signed between the EU, Japan, Korea and the USA to further advance cooperation between standards developers in these regions. One body arising from these agreements is the EU-US Standards Harmonisation Working Group, which has developed an action plan and other working groups to discuss:
Many other industrialised countries have also been active in coordinating their own ITS standards with international standardisation activities.
A number of organisations are engaged in setting standards at various levels around the world. In many cases, regional standards work contributes to international and global standard setting. A selection of the most significant standards bodies is below:
The ISO TC 204 overview can be found on the main ISO website. The working TC204 website is:
For background information on the work of ISO TC 204 refer to: Williams, B. (2008) Intelligent Transport Systems Standards, Artech House, Boston, London.
The UN ECE has working parties engaged in a variety of ITS areas – from driver distraction to lane departure warning systems (See
The UN ECE has also developed a study of ITS deployment and best practices worldwide. Intelligent Transport Systems for Sustainable Mobility – includes a roadmap for future activities (See
CEN deals with European Standards in all domains except for electro-technical and telecommunications matters which are handled by CENELEC and ETSI.
CEN Technical Committee TC 278 on Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (established in 1991) is most involved with ITS – including those elements that need technical harmonisation for intermodal operation with other modes of transport. CEN/TC 278 cooperates with the ITS committee of the International Standards Organisation (ISO/TC 204). Cooperation is promoted by allocating a leading role – either to ISO or CEN – for each Working Group:
ETSI is a membership-based organisation that produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). ITS service provision relies on communications, especially the more advanced services, making ITS an area of strategic relevance to ETSI – and one where ETSI leadership is required. (See
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can support road users in various ways, with information and warnings, and various levels of assistance and automation, depending on the service. Road users interact both with ITS and the wider transport system in complex and sometimes unpredictable ways. There is a need to understand fully the broader context, its dynamic characteristics and the role and responsibilities of its different stakeholders. It is only then that best results from any intervention will be obtained – with a high probability of user acceptance and adoption.
Human factors is the branch of science and technology that includes what is known and what is conjectured about human behaviour and biological characteristics. It can be applied to the specification and design of products and services – and their evaluation, operation and maintenance.
ITS technologies provide users with an interface – known as the Human Machine Interface or HMI. “Behind” the interface is the logic and software of the interaction which contributes greatly to its “look and feel”. Human Machine Interaction (also abbreviated to HMI) is a key component of human factors. Designing or choosing an HMI that is appropriate for the context of use (such as “while driving” or “at a bus stop”) can have a decisive effect on the outcome.
Proper attention to human factors can enhance the safety, effectiveness and ease of use of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services for individuals and for widely different groups of users. A key point is the variability within users – and within specific groups of users, such as “car drivers”, “pedestrians”, “Traffic Control Centre Operators” or a “Mobile Safety Patrol”. Users have different needs and motivations. For example, the task to be performed by a cyclist is very different from that of a control room operative or a road maintenance worker.
The importance of the broader road transport environment within which ITS informs and assists users requires an emphasis on “user-centred design”. It is important that road users are involved in ITS design. A complete understanding of the tasks they need to perform and their scope for error is vital. The importance of piloting, feedback and monitoring in any ITS or other transport system design, its introduction and its operation cannot be under-stated.
Relevant ITS standards for HMI cover areas such as vehicle design, the design of infrastructure (signage for example), standards for ITS in control rooms, for tunnel design and management, and for public transport. The needs of vulnerable road users are especially important here.
The design of the Human Machine Interface (HMI) has to support the user and promote safety in the transport environment. The following provides some key advice based on human factors principles:
Understanding who uses ITS and how it influences their behaviour provides a wealth of information which can be harnessed to improve the design, implementation and operation of ITS applications. Users are human and humans make mistakes! Some are quickly realised and may be corrected. There are also errors that may have wider consequences and safety implications.
Everyone is different. Some differences between people are innate and last a lifetime, some may come and go, and some may develop slowly over time. It is well known that physical characteristics such as strength and reaction time vary between individuals – but human behaviour in engaging with increasingly technological transport systems also depends on an individual’s information processing capacity. How users perform in their interaction with ITS will vary considerably. An individual’s performance will also vary over time depending on a complex interplay of factors.
Interaction between users is also an important issue. “User Groups” may help to distinguish users of ITS who have certain characteristics or factors in common – but still include a diverse range of individuals. An analysis of how individuals behave when interacting with other individuals, and how they behave as a group, provides useful insights which can help shape the policies adopted for Road Network Operations.
Stakeholders in the successful implementation of ITS-based systems and services include the Road Operators (ROs), their providers of technology and related services, and national and local government. The users themselves can be categorised in a number of ways – a basic one being:
These stakeholders, although not completely distinct, can be further disaggregated. Drivers, for example, can be categorised in many ways, according to:
Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) (See Road Safety) may include:
Road operator employees will include:
National and regional road authorities and those responsible for operations – the Road Operators – have a duty of care to the users of their road networks. Whilst people are individuals and will make their own decisions, they can be encouraged and enabled to adopt safe practices in the use of the roads. By taking account of human motivation and decision making, Road Operators are better placed to understand how people behave both individually and in groups – and how best to influence that behaviour in order to manage the road network.
In terms of ITS, the Road Operator should ensure that the information provided is as clear and correct as possible, and that the ITS provided is safe, well maintained and fit for purpose – so that it can be easily used.
The Road Operator is responsible for the work and conduct of their staff and this includes responsibility for any ITS they may use as part of their jobs.
The Road Operator needs to understand the tasks to be performed by its workers – and to appreciate the scope and consequences of user errors and how these can be avoided or their consequences mitigated
The Road Operator should consider the role of education and training for its workers. Education allows individuals to form mental models of why and how things work and may improve performance by reducing errors and increasing motivation. Performance generally benefits from training although “overtraining” and complacency/boredom may become a negative factor in some cases
Many countries have legislation concerning how disadvantaged users or those with special needs should be taken into account. Consideration has to be given to design of ITS for all types of users given the importance of creating an open and useable road transport system for all. Road Operators should ensure that ITS is designed to accommodate the full range of users wherever possible. If not, an assessment needs to be made about how those not provided for will be affected and whether the consequences are acceptable. If not, an entirely different solution may be needed.
These “design for all” considerations may conflict with economic or operational efficiencies. Depending on ownership and governance structures, the Road Operator may be subject to purchasing constraints (for example having to use a particular supplier) and this may limit the design choices for ITS.
As an employer of, for example, control room staff and road workers, a Road Operator will probably have statutory duties towards their workers in areas such as health and safety practices and the safe use of ITS.
ITS can provide much helpful information and assistance to drivers and other road users. It can also pose potential problems. Diverting attention to in-vehicle information and communication systems can detract from driving performance and decision making. This has led to some countries enacting protective legislation such as banning the use of hand-held mobile phones and texting whilst driving. The Road Operator may need to take account of this in the ITS systems provided to their workers and in their operating practices. They may also be made responsible for enforcing national laws on its roads.
The HMI principles described here are designed for Road Operators to apply in all countries. However, the application in developing economies may need to be tailored to the specific context. Some specific points to take in to consideration are provided below.
Developing economies may have a greater diversity of users, particularly in terms of educational provision. For example, the literacy level or level of familiarity with technology cannot be assumed to be the same as in developed economies and multiple languages may need to be taken into account.
The road environment and the balance of user groups varies considerably from country to country – for example, there may be a greater amount of animal transport, pedestrians and cyclists (vulnerable road users) and fewer drivers of motor vehicles. The mix of vehicles driven or ridden transport may be very different from that typically used in a developed economy, often with a greater proportion of powered two-wheelers (PTWs). Similarly, the infrastructure – for example, traffic control, may be less developed, particularly in rural areas.
Countries have different laws, but developing economies may be less advanced in terms of safety requirements and enforcement (for example concerning traffic offences and the use of mobile phones while driving). With different social and cultural background, the norms of behaviour by road users and their attitudes towards the rules of the road may deviate widely from safe practice. The extent to which economic forces and peer pressure drives behaviour may need special attention in modelling user behaviour.
The degree of investment in ITS technology and services, its reliability and that of its powered energy and communications may be more variable than in developed economies. Lack of reliability is likely to affect deployment of ITS and the behaviour of users. Developing economies may not have access to trained human factors professionals to advise Road Operators in aspects of user behaviour. (See Building ITS Capacity)
Designing an ITS product, system or service for the people who will use it is not simply a case of designing to a required specification for a ‘standard’ person, as there is no such thing as a standard person – everyone is different. Whilst people possess certain qualities and limitations that apply, at least in part, to everyone, they are by no means universal. For example, it is possible to quantify reasonable upper limits for human visual performance – but some people cannot see anything at all, others may have blurred vision, and for those who see in sharp detail there may still be issues such as colour blindness affecting their vision. Some differences between people are innate and last a lifetime, some may come and go, whereas some may develop slowly over time. Whatever the reason, differences between individuals must be accounted for in any design, and this includes ITS.
Whilst human variability is vast in scale, there are certain key areas that are likely to influence ITS practitioners in their work.
The vast majority of quantifiable human attributes (especially physical characteristics) follow what is known as the ‘normal’ distribution. This is a distribution seen throughout nature and is represented in the figure below. It shows that the average value within a population (for a criteria such as height) will be the most common, with more extreme (large or small) values being progressively less common. There is no such thing as an average person as there is almost certainly nobody alive that is exactly average in every conceivable parameter. Instead the population is comprised of individuals who may be higher up the distribution on some parameters and lower down the distribution on others.
Natural variability in the population
It is unavoidable that as people age their senses and faculties start to deteriorate. Eyesight and hearing are amongst the most prominent in terms of the senses, but mobility will also usually be affected – and at some point most people will begin to experience a slowdown in their speed of mental processing. The ability to learn new skills quickly will also reduce over time. The converse of this is that the faculties of younger road users may still be developing. Basic senses in younger people may be well functioning, but cognitive abilities may not yet be at adult levels, which can impair decision-making. Younger users will also typically be smaller and less physically developed than adults.
Differences based on social and cultural background can sometimes be pronounced – and although generally harder to quantify than age-related decline, their impacts can be predicted at some level. Key considerations in ITS will relate to factors such as attitudes towards different road users, acceptance of technology and driving conventions. For example, cyclists and car drivers often experience confrontation based on different perceptions of each other. General attitudes of different user groups can often be determined by engaging with relevant users, to understand and help predict and take account of potential conflicts – whether they be within user groups, between user groups, or between users and technology.
Four high-level principles help guide those working with ITS:
If someone was to design a door it would clearly be foolish to use an average person’s height to determine the door height – since it would not be usable by at least half of potential users. Instead the door should be designed to accommodate the tallest users as there are no detrimental effects for shorter users. In the same way, when designing an overhead gantry-mounted variable message (VMS) information screen, the text should not be at a font readable only by those with 20:20 (average) vision. By making the text larger, a greater proportion of road users are taken into account and the text is easier to read by all.
There may be times when it is not possible to accommodate everyone at the same time. In such cases, the principle of designing for the 5th-95th percentiles of the population is generally adopted. If, for example, someone was designing a forward/back seat adjustment mechanism for a car – a key parameter will be the leg-length of users. If all users were ranked according to leg length:
Adopting the 5th– 95th percentile principle means that the seat is made adjustable so as to be used comfortably by the middle 90% of users in terms of leg-length. If it is possible to design a seat that is practical and can accommodate the 1st– 99th percentiles, this would be even better.
Given the importance of creating an open and useable road transport system for all, traffic planners, engineers and designers should seek to accommodate the full range of users wherever possible. If not, consideration must be given to how those whose needs have not been taken into account will be affected – and whether these consequential effects are acceptable. An entirely different solution may be needed.
If the principles outlined above are applied and an effective design is established for one application, it may not be the case that this can simply be transferred to other applications. An example could be a system that has been implemented successfully in one country and is being considered for use in another country. Cultural differences between users or technical differences in the transport infrastructure may mean that users interact with the system in a different way – and that there are unintended effects that had not previously been identified in the original application. Variability may also be an issue where a system is already established. Changes in user populations can happen over time and changing external factors may alter the overall operation of the system. Whenever updating or introducing a new system, it is useful to conduct user testing.
The following universal aspects of human variability should always be taken into account in the design and operation of any facility or service that will affect road transport systems:
Human performance describes how easily and efficiently an individual achieves a certain outcome – such as navigating to an address, crossing the road or buying a bus ticket.
Human performance is based on a physical and cognitive (mental) control “system” that is the result of millions of years of evolution. Human action is largely effective and adaptive even when carrying out complex tasks – but humans are not machines – whatever role they are undertaking. It is important to understand the limits and the variability of human performance so that transport systems and ITS can be designed and operated accordingly. Performance varies between people and an individual’s performance also varies depending on a complex interplay of factors. These variations can make or break the success of new applications of ITS, such as cooperative driving. (See Coordinated Vehicle-Highway Systems)
People make errors! Sometimes it is useful to draw a distinction between “slips”, “lapses” and “mistakes”. Slips and lapses are skill-based errors. Slips occur when there is a mismatch between someone’s intention and action – intending to do the thing but doing it incorrectly. These are often quickly realised and may be corrected. Lapses are when a user forgets to do something or their mind goes blank during a task. Mistakes, on the other hand, result from some misperception or misjudgement and are decision-making errors – doing the wrong thing but believing it to be . These are often much harder for a user to identify and correct. We cannot predict exactly when errors will occur but there has been considerable research concerning their context and likelihood.
Performance is affected by specific impairments that people may have – these can be (semi-) permanent, such as a broken arm or colour-blindness or temporary. Examples of temporary impairment include tiredness – which is a particular issue for shift workers. Individuals can also be intoxicated or unwell which can affect their performance.
Human performance varies depending on arousal (excitation level). Individuals can be under-aroused (sleepy, dis-engaged) or over-aroused (excitable, anxious). Individuals perform at their best when at neither extreme.
Arousal/Performance curve
Performance often depends on motivation (See Motivation and Decision Making), which can also interact with arousal. Individuals tend to perform better when they are well-motivated.
A control room operator using a terminal, or a public transport user reading dynamic signage, may concentrate on the terminal or the sign as a single focus of attention. This contrasts, for example, with a driver observing the road whilst simultaneously adjusting the car entertainment system. Sharing of attention between two tasks is known as the “dual task paradigm”. Performance when undertaking a single (or primary) task is usually better than when trying to undertake another (secondary) task at the same time – because mental resources have to be shared between the tasks.
It is well known that performance varies between individuals. Issues such as strength, reach, endurance and reaction time are examples of physical ergonomics which can be measured for different groups.
Human performance in the context of today’s increasingly technological transport systems also depends on an individual’s information processing capacity. To a large extent this is affected by how an individual’s various physical senses or “channels” – such as visual and auditory – handle the streams of information encountered. All channels require mental resources to process information and these channels can become overloaded. There is more interference within channels than across them. For example, talking whilst engaged in a control task is easier than operating two controls or holding two conversations simultaneously.
Research suggests that not all mental resources are equal and “multiple resource theory” accounts for how it is sometimes possible to do two things at once – as long as specific limited mental resources are not required for both tasks.
Training can greatly affect performance through repetition, practice and familiarity. For example, a public transport user familiar with a ticket machine can make a purchase more quickly than an unfamiliar traveller. Some activities, such as the use of the clutch when driving, can become almost unconscious requiring very little effort. Performance generally increases with training although “overtraining” and complacency/boredom can become a negative factor in some cases.
Education allows individuals to form mental models of why and how things work and may therefore increase performance by reducing errors and increasing motivation.
Expect and allow for variability between people and for a variation in one person’s performance/ability at different times and in different circumstances. The variability may be obvious (such as age, size, physical disability) or may not be. Where possible, design for the least able and most endangered. (See Diversity of and user groups)
People make mistakes, so it is essential that ITS is designed so that systems and processes minimise the possibility of errors and provide opportunities to recover from them. (See Automation and Human Factors). Task and error analysis may be helpful. (See Human Tasks and Errors). Particular care needs to be taken when an individual’s mistake could have safety consequences for themselves or other road users.
Driving – and Powered Two-Wheeler (PTW) riding – is a complex and safety-critical task which requires physical and mental resources. Driving skill and performance can be improved through education and training. A minimum level of performance should be required at all times whilst driving. Drivers’ skills need to be tested, at least initially, and a minimum standard should be enforced. New technology can introduce tasks additional to driving, such as making a phone call – which can impair driving performance and should be discouraged on grounds of road safety.
Vulnerable road users – such as cyclists and pedestrians of all ages – will vary, for example, in the degree of their physical movement, direction-finding and road awareness. All information and directions aimed at them should be designed to be simple, unambiguous and easily perceived.
ITS infrastructure (including signs, payment facilities, speed limits) should be designed to take account of the intended user population and the variations in performance that they have. Many human factors standards and guidelines are available which are suited to different ITS applications. (See HMI Standards and Guidelines). Using internationally agreed standards and guidelines for HMI is recommended – they help to promote familiarity and often provide multiple signals to the brain for recognition (for example, use of colour and shape).
When possible, new designs should be simulated and trialled with the intended user population to ensure that human performance shows that they can be easily understood and used. (See UK Smart Motorways )
ITS infrastructure should also be designed to take account of the performance limitations of those personnel involved in their maintenance. (See Work Zones)
Public transport operators need to be mindful of the broad range of human performance and specific disabilities that may impair performance – when designing or purchasing systems such as display screens and ticketing facilities to: (See Diversity of Users)
The Road Operator will need to set standards, provide training and undertake regular performance reviews of control room operators. (See Traffic Control Centres) They need to:
Human factors professionals can assist in designing work and shift patterns to minimise performance degradation. (See Infrastructure)
The road should be considered a potentially hazardous working environment for personnel such as maintenance and emergency response workers. Road Operators should:
Human factors professionals can assist in designing work and shift patterns to minimise performance degradation.
The “user friendliness” of the road network depends on a complex interaction between the technical systems – such as traveller information, route guidance and traffic control – and the road network users. Ultimately, people are individuals and will make their own decisions, but there are many theories and models that can help us to understand individual motivation and the effect this has on behaviour.
By taking account of human motivation and decision making, Road Network Operators should be better placed to understand how people behave both individually and in groups – and how best to influence that behaviour in order to manage the road network.
The psychologist, Maslow proposed that humans have needs that influence their behaviour, which can be arranged in a hierarchy. Once a need is satisfied, then behaviour is influence by the next (unsatisfied) need in the hierarchy. The most basic are physiological needs (such as food and sleep). Once these are satisfied, safety needs take over and so on.
Hierarchy of Needs
Expectancy theory says that choice or behaviour is motivated by the desirability of outcomes. In general people prefer to avoid negative consequences more than increase positive consequences – for example, to arrive at 08.45am for a 9.00am appointment is of minimal benefit but arriving late may be of considerable dis-benefit.
According to the theory of planned behaviour, an intention to behave in a certain way is influenced by three things: the expected outcome (positive or negative), how others will perceive the behaviour and a judgement about one’s capability to carry out the behaviour. It seems that there are “boundaries” within which people feel they can and should act and areas where they feel they cannot. In part, this depends on having “permission” to act in a certain way – whether this is permission one gives oneself or whether it is permission granted by others. For example peer pressure can have a profound effect on young male drivers’ behaviour and their willingness to comply with traffic laws.
Planned behaviour
Incentives and positive reinforcement make a behaviour more likely in the future. Benefits that appear certain and immediate are generally preferred to those that are less certain and more distant. This is called the saliency of benefit.
People have an innate drive to be self-determined – they mostly prefer to be in control and will seek information in order to make decisions. This can be used to advantage in Road Network Operations by providing advice to road users and other travellers. Their trust in information (its credibility to them) depends on many factors including:
In general, people have a poor appreciation of risk (consequences and probabilities), and especially of very small risks. Events that can be more easily brought to mind or imagined are judged to be more likely than events that cannot easily be imagined. This is called the availability bias. Press reports, for example, tend to favour Bad News stories, which promote negative expectations. The managers of Traffic Control Centre operations will be acutely aware of this.
People do not always make choices that are in their best long-term interest. Sometimes “wants” are satisfied before “needs”. So, people are not always economically rational even when all necessary and consistent information is presented. The road users’ response to information messages may differ from what is intended by the Road Operator.
Few individuals constantly seek new experiences. For most there is a tendency to keep doing things in the same way. This is called inertia (an analogy to mechanics). So, people either do not undertake some new activity or continue to do the activity in the same way. To a large extent, these habits are a coping mechanism for the plethora of choices in everyday life.
Decision making also depends on the user’s willingness to seek out all required information (if it is even available). So, a typical approach in many situations is “satisficing” - seeking solutions that are not necessarily optimal but are “good enough”.
One theory proposes that people aim to reduce dissonance (degree of discomfort) between their view of the world and their actions. This can lead to “post-hoc” (after the event) justification of a decision made.
Related to this is a tendency for people to display confirmation bias – a tendency to seek out information (and to preferentially trust that information) that confirms an existing belief, rather than new evidence that may contradict that belief.
In the driving context, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can provide information and assistance to drivers and can play a part in their decision making. Research has led to various models – one model describes driving decisions at three levels:
An extension to this model considers driving decisions at four levels with feedback and interaction between them.
The Extended Control Model (reproduced with permission from
Individual drivers exhibit a range of driving behaviour and styles of driving. Driving can also be considered as a social activity. Interactions between vehicles and between vehicles and other road users are largely interactions between people. An aggressive driving style, particularly in a cooperative driving culture, may be highly offensive. The term “road rage” has been coined to describe extreme feelings or behaviours aggravated by, for example, other road users’ behaviour or driving situations such as congestion.
ITS can provide much helpful information and assistance to drivers. It can also introduce potential problems. Attention to in-vehicle information and communication systems can detract from driving performance and decision making. Although ITS can provide assistance to reduce the drivers’ workload, it is known from research that a sustained low workload (underload) can lead to boredom, loss of situation awareness and reduced alertness. It has been observed that the greater the number of support-system functions which have become available through ITS, the higher the risk of drivers losing competence, which can sometimes be combined with their reliance on ITS functionalities. (See Driver Support)
Road users typically believe they have an implicit contract with the road network operator. This (in their mind) might include keeping the traffic flowing, maintaining the cycleway, and providing safe and adequate public transport. As a minimum, road users’ basic needs should be considered – such as food and toilet facilities and rest stops for longer journeys.
Anger and frustration can arise if the service quality falls below road users’ expectations. ITS can help to manage expectation – for example by providing information about service quality and frequency. This information needs to be available to road users before their journey (for example on the internet, or printed information), and during their journey (for example on signs, notices, mobile devices). ITS, and communication channels more generally, might also be employed to counteract “Bad Press” stories about the road network.
Road users develop habitual behaviours, partly to reduce overload and anxiety about unknown situations. This “learned behaviour” leads to an expectation of permanence and consistency – so if something changes there can be surprise, anger and frustration. ITS, if well designed, can be very helpful in reducing these negative emotions and provide information likely to influence behaviour. (See Traveller Services)
Road closures and changes to schedules should be made available through both ITS and conventional means well in advance, if possible, using multiple information delivery mechanisms.
ITS is particularly useful for providing real-time information about maintenance activities and disruptions to service levels such as traffic congestion. Road users can become anxious and frustrated if they do not have any scope to affect their situation – or if no information is provided (such as the reason for the delay, how long it will be, and what the alternatives are).
ITS information can provide additional confirmation of the situation, sufficient to nudge behavioural change. It should be presented in a clear and authoritative manner. The information should be consistent with other information (unless it is newer and better than existing information).
Apart from a sole road user on an open road, most road use occurs in the context of other road users and so can be considered as a group activity. Social psychology and game theory, involving cooperation and competition, provide useful insights which may be of value to the road operator:
It is noticeable that there are different driving styles in different countries (for example, more or less-aggressive driving, queuing practice and turn-taking, use of mobile phones). Again, ITS can be used to rapidly contain situations or reinforce positive behaviour so that it becomes normalised.
When users of ITS have a choice they choose to engage and adopt new technology based on a number of factors:
Users interact with Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) using senses such as sight, hearing and touch. For example – for an ITS-based Variable Message Sign, to be effective, it has to be visible and the message readable/recognisable.
User engagement with ITS and the various types of services that ITS provides, is of special importance to the suppliers of ITS to Road Network Operators – and to the road users themselves, either indirectly or directly. These include:
The design of the HMI for ITS technology, in terms of how it affects the dialogue with the user (the software for example) is very important to promote ease of use. For an interactive device, important dialogue issues include: length of “timeouts”, language used and menu structure.
The context of use is an important consideration when designing how users interact with ITS. An ITS device should not be described as “useable” or “ergonomic” without also describing the context in which that use takes place.
Users engage with ITS to obtain different services – such as information, warnings or assistance/automation. The human factors issues associated with these different “levels” of interaction are very different and they may have safety implications. Appreciating the key differences and understanding these issues can help the road network operator to purchase, design and implement appropriate ITS.
Road Operators have a duty of care to the users of their road networks. Whilst people are individuals and will make their own decisions, they can be encouraged and enabled through ITS to adopt safe practices in the use of the roads. In terms of ITS information provision, the Road Operator should ensure that the information provided is as clear and correct as possible – and that the ITS provided is safe, well maintained and fit for purpose so that it can be easily used.
Particular attention should be given to safety-critical tasks. The Road Operator may wish to introduce driving restrictions in some contexts where there is a particular risk. Examples might relate to health and safety considerations such as:
The Road Operator has responsibility for the work and conduct of its staff and this will include responsibility for any ITS they may use as part of their jobs. Choice of HMI is a specialist area, and advice from human factors professionals is recommended
The Road Operator should be mindful of human factors when designing or procuring ITS. How ITS services are implemented determines how easily they can be used. This influences user acceptance and adoption – as well as adaptation of behaviour and overall safety.
The introduction of new technology, such as ITS, tends to allow not only more efficient ways of undertaking tasks – but completely new ways of working. For example, the availability of real-time travel information on a personal hand-held device changes information needs – and relationships between the user and the providers of transport services. Information services may also pose challenges of security and privacy when individual data is stored and processed as part of the ITS. (See Legal and Regulatory Issues)
New HMI may lead to the development of national and international laws and vehicle regulations. New technology that has emerged in recent years includes Bluetooth headsets for mobile phones and head-up displays within vehicles.
Automation, especially of road vehicles, is likely to involve institutional issues. There may be some public distrust of automation, particularly around road safety and potential job losses (for example, automated truck platoons may require fewer drivers). Automated driving may require the development of national and international laws and vehicle regulations. (See Automated Highways)
Humans can interact with the outside world, including ITS, in myriad ways and there is a wide variety of technology available to assist this interaction. The most common HMI components used are described here. HMI elements – good, poor and indifferent – are invariably present in computer systems and ITS. For example:
Public displays may also incorporate important HMI features – such as:
It is a commonly-held ‘truth’ that people have five basic senses:
In fact people have others senses as well, including: vestibular (balance and movement), kinaesthetic (relative position of parts of the body), pain, a sense of temperature and a sense of time passing. All these allow people to interpret the world around them, at different levels.
There is a wide range of human machine interface components to support the interaction between road users and ITS.
Engagement with ITS – HMI components
Use of hardware (such as buttons and a display screen) allow road users to interact and to develop a dialogue with the ITS technology. The extent to which the dialogue is efficient and effective (and liked by the user) depends both on the detailed design and performance of the interface hardware and also the design structure of the dialogue.
The designer of the HMI has a very wide range of choices. For example, in hardware design, buttons can be “latching” (they maintain their state after being activated) or “non-latching” (momentary) with different sizes, shapes and clearances to other buttons, different levels of resistance and sensitivity. The hardware design may also take account of implicit associations and knowledge of users (such as a familiar shape or icon and colour – such as red for danger).
The design of the dialogue (its structure and management) is also very important to promote ease of use. Important issues include: length of “timeouts”, language used and menu structure.
Although the design of the HMI of vehicles is the domain of the automotive manufacturer, in-vehicle HMI is often supplemented by drivers with the addition of mobile communications and information systems. These may or may not be designed for use while driving and their use can have a significant effect on drivers.
Choice of HMI is a specialist area, and advice from human factors professionals is recommended. The HMI should be based on:
There may be a trade-off between ease of learning and ease of use.
Try it with new users – what is their experience? (See Piloting, Feedback and Monitoring)
To be effective, all transport signs need to be noticed, understood and followed. Much has been studied and written about the human factors of road signage. Signage should be considered as part of an overall information provision strategy for road users. There will also be human factors considerations in its construction, installation and maintenance.
Variable Message Signs (VMS) are a typical form of ITS, particularly used on interurban roads to convey messages to drivers. Key considerations for VMS include:
Design of vehicles including their HMI is the domain of vehicle manufacturers who consider the “look and feel” of their vehicle’s HMI as part of their brand image.
Information and communication systems may be factory-fitted, fitted as an aftermarket option or (more commonly) brought into the vehicle by the driver. Examples include SatNav guidance systems and fee collection transponders. Some countries have legislation restricting the use of specific devices such as hand-held mobile phones. The HMI of in-vehicle devices may or may not be suitable for use while driving and road operators should be aware that use of such “secondary” interfaces by drivers may contribute to inattention and distraction.
Some Road Operators and other information brokers have sought to use data provided by large numbers of transport users to help road performance. This is called “crowdsourcing” which uses location and communication information from smart devices. The engagement of users may be implicit as a result of their use of other services, or may require more explicit participation. Increased engagement and richer data may be sought by offering interaction and competition (“gamification” – turning it into a game) or by using user-derived content from social media. There are privacy issues to consider, but road users may be willing to engage in services that offer benefits to them, such as ride sharing.
The context of use describes the conditions and environment in which users interact with ITS. Examples include:
The context describes the main issues likely to have a bearing on the interaction such as “who” “when” “where” and the environmental conditions.
The context of use is an important consideration when designing how users interact with ITS. It can affect motivation, performance, attitudes and behaviour of the users and the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the interaction. An ITS device should not be described as “usable” or “ergonomic” without also describing the context in which that use takes place.
Any measurements of usability (user-friendliness) should be carried out in an appropriate context and include a detailed description of that context.
Part of the context of use includes the user(s) themselves – who can be characterised in many ways including their knowledge, skills, experience, education, training, physical attributes, motor and sensory capabilities. The user’s experience is the context of events that have immediately preceded this interaction with ITS. (See Diversity of ITS Users)
The user can also be identified in terms of their current mood, time pressure and their goals in interacting with the ITS.
Tasks are the activities undertaken to achieve a goal and are part of the context. Issues here include the frequency and duration of the tasks to be undertaken. (See Human Tasks and Errors)
The technological environment includes the software and hardware of ITS. For example, interacting on a small mobile screen or a full screen are different contexts. The speed of processing and the characteristics of a keyboard can all affect the usability of ITS. The availability of reference material/user guides and other equipment may also be relevant.
For some interactions with ITS, the organisational context may be relevant such as the attitudes of an organisation’s management and employees towards the ITS, the way task performance is monitored and any internal procedures or practices. The structure of the organisation, reporting and reward arrangements, the availability of assistance, and frequency of interruption – are all relevant factors.
Interaction with ITS can be different depending on whether it is an individual or group activity, and whether it is undertaken in public or private. For example, use of an individual ticket machine may involve some social pressure to complete the interaction quickly if there are others waiting to use the facility. Driving is a kind of social activity where there may be both cooperation and competition.
This includes a number of environmental issues:
Another way of representing the various contextual factors is the 5W+H checklist:
Always investigate and document the context of use when designing how users interact with Intelligent Transport Systems as ITS need to be designed for specific contexts.
The following five steps are recommended in specifying the context of use for an ITS (product or service):
Checklists can be helpful in describing the context of use. Diagrams can also be helpful. The example in the figure below concerns a driver’s use of an in-vehicle ITS.
Context of ITS use within a vehicle by a driver
Develop an evaluation plan for the ITS (system or service) and then undertake trials in realistic contexts. Based on feedback and results, re-design the system or service or modify the context of use to achieve the required level of usability.
In the longer term, the Road Operator should set up mechanisms for monitoring ITS use and receiving feedback from users. (See Measuring Performance and Evaluation)
Particular attention should be given to safety-critical tasks. The Road Operator may wish to consider imposing restrictions on interactions in some contexts of use where there is particular risk. Examples might relate to health and safety considerations such as:
ITS can support users with information and warnings, and can provide various levels of assistance and automation depending on the service.
The human factors issues associated with these different “levels” of interaction are very different and these may have safety implications. Appreciating the key differences and understanding these issues can help the Road Operator to purchase, design and implement appropriate ITS.
The manner in which ITS services are implemented impacts on their ease of use. This greatly affects user acceptance and the degree of behaviour adaptation, as well as overall safety.
One characteristic of ITS is the level of support provided to the user. Using a five-fold classification, example ITS services are shown here:
There are different levels of automation for road vehicles:
The human factors and safety issues are different for each different level of interaction or level of automation. The design of the HMI must be different for the different levels – in order to best support the user and promote safety in the transport environment.
The figure below provides a summary of the levels of support and HMI implications in the context of vehicles and driving. For further information see Driver Support
Levels of ITS support to the driver
It is important to identify the level of support that ITS is providing to users. Task and error analysis may be useful. (See Human Tasks and Errors)
Secondly, it should be appreciated that the human factors and safety issues are different for each different level of support – so the design of the human machine interaction (HMI) must be different for the different levels, to best support the user and promote safety in the transport environment. (See Road Safety)
Road users can access information in a variety of forms and via different sources. Particular safety issues arise when users, such as drivers and road workers are also involved in safety-critical tasks such as driving or operating machinery. Here, distraction can be a problem so information has to be designed and delivered so that it can be easily used – in the specific context of use. Human factors guidelines are available to assist. Road Operators may wish to restrict access to distracting sources of information to improve safety or design procedures so that information can be accessed safely.
Advice is more specific information that implies or suggests a particular course of action, such as suggesting an alternate route in times of congestion. Understanding and comprehension of the advice is a key issue. The information supplier should provide advice in a clear way which is likely to be easily understood by the intended users. The user response should not be assumed – but should be observed.
Warnings are specific pieces of advice that may require action to be taken in a time-critical way (within a few seconds). Road users have a short period of time in which to understand the warning and take appropriate action. Suppliers of warnings – such as the operations staff at a Traffic Control Centre – should carefully design and test them (to ensure they are well understood and create the intended response) and should consider practice and training so that users become familiar with how to respond. The user response should not be assumed – but should be observed.
Assistance systems automate part of a road user’s task under their own supervision. Driving assistance systems which partly automate the driving task are becoming more common. Specialist machinery used in road construction and maintenance is also becoming more automated. The line between assistance and automation is not completely clear.
Whilst assistance and automation can provide operational and safety benefits, there are several potential safety issues that need to be considered. A key issue is that users over-trust the assistance/automated system and may not appreciate its operational limits. Training and experience should assist here. A related potential problem is poor supervision of the ITS service delivery. (See Automation and Human Factors) It may also be that users become de-skilled as a result of reliance on the assistance – and so are not well prepared to take back control if necessary. Training and practice are good ways to mitigate problems.
In the modern world, many processes are automated by machines. Whereas people would previously have been responsible for completing each individual process, the role of the person is typically now limited more to monitoring the machines that undertake those processes. The idea is that machines are employed to do the simple, repetitive tasks at great speed – and a person is on hand to sort out any problems that might occur. In theory this plays to the strengths of both machines and people. The (so called) “irony of automation” is that the human takes on the role of system monitor – and that this role is far from suitable for human attributes.
People and machines are good and bad at different tasks and roles. The figure below highlights some of the key distinctions:
Roles Suited to Humans and Machines
In ITS the role of automation is often to remove from the user responsibility for tasks that people generally find difficult or mundane – so they can concentrate better on tasks which either cannot be automated or cannot be automated efficiently and effectively.
It may not always be easy to make a clear distinction in the appropriate division of labour. It may be that a system can only automate parts of a task, or that there is an output from an automated task that must be fed back to the user at some point. Issues can arise if the division of labour is such that a user is required to perform a function for which they are not suited, as a direct result of that division.
Even if people are given roles suited to their skillsets, and tasks are suitably reallocated for automation so that the user is able to only consider the critical tasks – performance may be compromised if the user is so far removed from the task (“out of the loop”) that they are unable to intervene effectively when required.
People perform poorly when overloaded, but performance also drops off when under-loaded as it can cause the user to switch off mentally. It may be that any corresponding loss of attention means an operator fails to spot an important development within the system. Even if operators are alerted to an important development by an alarm – their understanding of what needs doing to rectify the issue may be impaired if they have not been kept sufficiently in-the-loop to maintain their situational awareness. This awareness is essentially the user’s understanding of: what is happening within the system, what will happen next and what the implications are. Loss of situational awareness could arise through poor task allocation within the system, as a result of cognitive under-load or through the user placing too much trust in the system to perform as expected.
If a situation requiring action by the driver arises, automation may mean that the system warns that an intervention is necessary – even if the user is sufficiently alert and knows what to do. If the alert is not given early enough, the operator may be unable to act, despite knowing what to do in principle.
Automation can have negative consequences and designers will need to consider the possible implications of automation before introducing it into any design. Correct use of automation can prove extremely useful to the operator and to overall system performance. Transport systems and networks are often highly complex and ITS offers the potential to use technology to simplify aspects of these systems from the perspective of the user. Automation can be a useful means of reducing the overall complexity of the system so that individuals are able to focus more clearly on the most important processes. The key requirements in order to be able to do this effectively and safely are effective task allocation and the avoidance of overload or under-load.
Ideally, designers should seek to obey the following principles:
To avoid overload/underload, designers should also take account of the following principles:
The complexities of transport and logistics can be approached by using systems engineering methodologies and user participation in the design work. The Road Network Operator needs to understand fully the total system structure, its dynamic characteristics and the role and responsibilities of its different road users. It is only then that a proper Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) design can be accomplished with positive user acceptance and operational success.
Analysis breaks problems into their parts and attempts to find the optimum solution. This process of breaking apart the whole, however, neglects the interrelationship between the parts – which can often be the root cause of the problem. The “systems” approach argues that in complex systems, the parts do not always provide an understanding of the whole. Rather, in a purposeful system, the whole gives meaning to the parts.
In order to tackle the sometimes contradictory interests of society and individuals, systems engineering methodologies can be applied. An ideal systems approach would start with the analyses of both the users and the problems which these user groups experience in traffic and transport. Procedures should guarantee that the results of these analyses are then used in the design process itself. The introduction of a user-oriented perspective to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has similarities with the introduction of quality assurance procedures found in most industrial activities.
There are other industrial elements of the design process, which have to be included in the required human factors work. They focus on the practical realisation of basic ideas of problem solving which firstly have to be turned into functional concepts. A phase of implementation of these concepts into user-accepted solutions follows. This is often a trade-off between system features and system costs. The features (or benefits) are composed of usability, utility and likeability – whereas the efforts to learn and use, the loss of skills, new elements of risks introduced, and the financial costs constitute the cost elements. The use of human factors knowledge is crucial when high usability is sought.
The difficulty of identifying variables to reliably measure all these elements – is evident. The principle of user acceptance is an approach that clearly highlights all the diverging elements that could, would and should influence the design process. It can simply be stated that if the features are valued higher than the costs (using a weighted criteria/cost function) the solution is acceptable and will be purchased – and hopefully used. Market place stakeholders – such as end-users, customers and consumers must be involved.
New products or solutions in ITS are very seldom developed to solve or meet completely new problems and needs. Instead, better performance of already existing solutions is often the goal. It is also clear that old solutions and products will co-exist side-by-side with new ones. The penetration of new technology in society is often very slow and starts with people that can afford to be “modern” and the most up-to-date. Therefore the design must allow parallel operation of the old and the new, and some form of step-by-step development must be used. Other elements to consider are that the long term goals of systems for traffic and transport are usually societal, while the short term (market-oriented) are individual in that they try to create and meet an instant demand. This inherent conflict must be addressed and needs to be resolved at an early stage of the implementation process.
The Road Operator is well-placed to take a strategic and user-centric approach to the design and introduction of ITS. The interactive design process that is required may appear to take a great deal of time and resources but the benefits will become apparent and should quickly, outweigh the upfront costs.
The Road Operator has the opportunity to work with others on ITS innovations that promote and develop integration of transport and other services – to provide additional benefits.
Before introducing ITS or any new technology, or undertaking extensive field trials, it is invariably beneficial to pilot the system or service with a small group of users before more widespread deployment. This approach is part of user-centred design and allows any problems to be addressed, avoiding embarrassing and expensive mistakes.
Encouraging feedback from users and providing suitable mechanisms for monitoring use of ITS allows those responsible for ITS operations to better understand the experience of both occasional and experienced users. This may show how the use of ITS is changing over time (because of changes in other parts of the transport system or the environment) and provides advanced information about necessary modifications, including possibly re-design of the ITS.
ITS can, if introduced through a sufficiently wide systems approach, assist users – by providing a measure of integration within and across modes of transport (for example by combining tolling, parking and public transport ticketing). It can also assist with wider common service provision between transport and other urban facilities such as energy services. These different modes of transport and wider urban services typically have different ownership, governance and objectives which present barriers to integration and enhancement of user services.
The rationale behind the development of ITS is the need for high efficiency and quality in new and innovative transport services. The goal of these services is either to meet a certain need for the movement of people and goods – or to supply a specific endeavour (or activity) with the correct amounts of its necessary components at the time and at the location. These activities are called transport and logistics respectively. By implication, the design of these services will include modern information and communication technologies (ICT) for the exchange of information in real time and the result is an “intelligent” transport system.
From their everyday activities, people identify needs for movement between specific locations and become travellers. They engage in trip planning and, if successful, a trip plan will be created by linking a sequence of transport options to serve the journey – if necessary based on different transport means. These transport options can either be chosen from available information (in timetables, for example) or can be made known to someone (who can organise such options) as dynamic demands on transport. These travel demands and travel patterns are today normally captured by surveys and observations on a yearly basis to inform the production of static timetables.
The planning of a journey includes a matching exercise between the total travel demand and the future availability of vehicles to serve that demand and provide the transport service. The matching will be successful only if no disturbances in the traffic process occur and no characteristics of an open-loop control system are evident.
When technical systems such as ITS are put into a societal context, complexity emerges. The systems have to be designed in a cost-effective, efficient, safe and environmentally acceptable way. These objectives require design methods which make it possible to cope with system complexity.
ITS usually involves several human decision makers – and all the decision-making processes which require information about the ITS environment must be considered. Integration of network operations, transport processes and stakeholder perspectives is necessary. Analysis, design and evaluation of this complexity, and its impact on modern solutions for transport services, must be performed adequately.
Activities (or processes) in society which make use of a technical infrastructure and communications networks will be influenced by a large number of decision-makers and stakeholders. They are often geographically dispersed, have contradictory goals and act with different time horizons. In consequence, description and analysis of the interaction between technology and people in a specific class of systems can become so complex that specialist tools and techniques may be required. Expert help should be sought where necessary.
Three highly interrelated perspectives - networks, processes and stakeholders - can be usefully identified and, if combined in an operational way, can be helpful to the analysis, design and evaluation of ITS solutions.
The network perspective is focused on the links, nodes and elements for transport and communications which, when brought together, form the physical network and its structure. The use of technologies (and especially ICT) is important and adds complexity. This can be dealt with by breaking down the network into subnets or subsystems.
The process perspective is focused on the interaction between network components and the different flows of traffic or communications that can be identified in the processes. The dynamic characteristics are related to the transmission and transformation of information and related information channels. A matching between the time horizons of the control processes and the speed of information exchange is crucial for acceptable performance.
The stakeholder perspective is highly related to how ITS supports decision-making. The stakeholders have to interface with the processes and the networks by means of work stations, control panels, mobile or other in-vehicle units. The interface designs must be adapted to the mental models of the processes used by the stakeholders in their tasks. An appropriate filtering of information has to be introduced if the stakeholders are not to be overloaded, or disturbed by other processes or events outside of their control. A hierarchy of abstraction levels can be established. (See Users of ITS and Stakeholders )
Designers often build technical systems without completely understanding the tasks to be performed. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) need to be designed to be both useful and usable. Being usable is not enough if the system is not first useful. Users of ITS are diverse individuals – they do not all think the same way and they can be inconsistent and unpredictable. (See Diversity of Users)
It is not surprising that it is often difficult for the designers of technology to understand exactly the real needs of their potential users, how the technology will be used and how use will change as familiarity with the system or service develops. This is particularly the case for complex systems such as ITS in the broader transport context. The goal of good design is for complexity to be made to appear simple or intuitive to its users.
The complexity of ITS processes and their dynamics makes it essential to use sound design principles for robustness. For this reason, ITS require feedback of information from different process states using appropriate sensors. The feedback will also provide the input to adaptive control algorithms for decision-making by users – and make the processes less sensitive to disturbances. The complex nature of transport systems involving the interaction of many different systems and services is clear from the information feedback loops and the varied timescales used in the different decision-making processes.
Human error becomes virtually inevitable with the large number of different links and connections in the networks and processes of modern transport systems. In the transport domain one of the most critical situations is that of driver-vehicle interaction – as mistakes, slips and lapses in the primary driving tasks will have safety implications. (See Human Performance)
As well as reducing critical errors, there are many other practical reasons for involving users:
The overall message is that ITS should not be designed, developed or introduced without involving those who must use it. A holistic approach is required which acknowledges and accounts for the interactions between ITS and its users.
User centred design (UCD) is a well-tried methodology that puts users at the heart of the design process, and is highly recommended for developing ITS products and services that must be simple and straightforward to use. It is a multi-stage problem-solving process whereby designers of ITS analyse how users are likely to use a product or service – but also tests their assumptions through analysing actual user behaviour in the real world.
A key part of UCD is the identification and analysis of users’ needs. These have to be completely and clearly identified (even if they are conflicting) in order to help identify the trade-offs that often need to happen in the design process.
User-centred design (UCD) aims to optimise a product or service around how users can, want, or need to use the product or service – rather than forcing users to change their behaviour in order to meet their needs.
The ISO 9241-210 (2010) standard describes six key principles of UCD:
As shown in the figure below the main, but iterative, steps in UCD are Plan, Research, Design, Adapt, and Measure.
Steps in User Centred Design
A key part of the research stage for UCD is collecting and analysing user needs. Quality models such as ISO/IEC 25010 provide a framework for this activity.
Users include the following:
Some important questions related to user needs are:
User needs can also be defined according to the following list of attributes for an ITS:
The main advice is to adopt a user-centred design (UCD) process that begins with collecting and analysing user needs. The design of the ITS product or service can then be undertaken making use of all the advice and guidance provided below. The product or service should then be trialled and developed with actual users, taking account of their feedback. (See Piloting, feedback and monitoring)
Assistance from human factors professionals should be sought where necessary as there are many techniques available to collect user needs. Some of the main techniques include:
Assistance from human factors professionals should be sought where necessary. The following general guidelines are useful in compiling user needs and undertaking analysis for use in ITS design:
Analysis of tasks and errors is a hugely important activity for anyone seeking to understand how users interact with ITS or wishing to create the environment in which the interaction will take place – between users or between a user and an object/activity. Task analysis requires understanding and documenting all aspects of an activity in order to create or understand processes that are effective, practical and useful. Typically a task analysis is used to identify gaps in the knowledge or understanding of a process. Alternatively it may be used to highlight inefficiencies or safety-critical elements. In both cases the task analysis provides a tool with which to perform a secondary function – usually design-related. Error analysis is a specific extension of a task analysis and is about probing the activities identified by the task analysis – to determine how and why a user might make an error, so that the potential error can be designed out or the consequences can be mitigated.
The person conducting a task analysis first has to identify the overall task or activity to be analysed, and then to define the scope of the analysis. For example, it may be that they wish to examine the tasks performed by an operator at a monitoring station, but are only interested in what the operator does when they are seated at an active station. This would be the defined scope of the analysis.
Within this overall activity all the key subtasks that make up the overall activity must be identified. It is up to the person undertaking the analysis to decide what represents a useful and meaningful division of subtasks. This is something that comes partly from experience of performing such analyses and partly from understanding of the activity being analysed. Crucially, each subtask should have a definable start and end point.
With the subtasks created, the investigator then defines a series of rules and conditions which govern how each subtask is performed. For example, it may be that the monitoring station operator has at their workstation a series of monitoring systems (subtasks) where each subtask is distinct and separate – and it may be that the operator must perform the subtasks in a pre-defined sequence. The investigator must specify the rules governing how each subtask relates to the others. For example: “perform subtasks A and B alternately. At any time, perform subtask C – as and when required”.
The investigator would then look at each subtask in turn and perform a similar process to the process described above. The subtasks that make up subtask A would be identified and the rules governing their commission defined. This process of hierarchical subdivision continues until either there is no more meaningful division of tasks that can be performed – or the investigator has reached a level of understanding useful enough to inform the design.
Performing a task analysis allows a researcher to identify the following:
An error analysis builds on the task analysis and requires a similar approach. It looks at all the different ways in which an operator or outside agent could perform an error in each subtask identified. For example, one subtask for the operator of a monitoring station, may be to activate an alert system. Errors could include (among others), selecting the wrong incident response plan, pressing the wrong button, failing to push a lever all the way, looking at the wrong screen or dial, or activating the system at the wrong time. Typically such an analysis would be performed by considering each of a list of possible error mechanisms in turn, to avoid missing potential errors. Again, a combination of experience in conducting error analysis and an understanding of the workings of the overall activity are useful.
Before conducting a task or error analysis it is important to define what the output of the analysis is to be used for, as this will influence how the analysis is performed. For example, it may be that the investigator is only be interested in particular subtasks and activities – or that a particular level of detail is required, below which the analysis is useless and beyond which it is simply a waste of time and effort. Knowing the level of detail required is a key parameter as without this cut-off point, the analysis could go on almost indefinitely. A basic task analysis is a useful way for anyone to gain a clearer picture of any working environment. For more detailed analyses or situations where the task analysis is to provide the foundation for a larger set of activities, it is advisable to acquire the services of experienced practitioners.
The following is a basic overview of the key principles/stages:
break the overall task down into stages:
A task analysis is often useful in its own . It may also be useful to conduct a complimentary error analysis. Again it is best to use an experienced professional for large-scale analyses – but for a basic assessment, the following method can be applied:
Before introducing ITS or any new technology, or undertaking extensive field trials, it is invariably beneficial to pilot the system or service with a small group of users before more widespread deployment. This approach is part of User Centred Design (See User Centred Design) and allows any problems to be addressed, avoiding embarrassing and expensive mistakes.
Encouraging feedback from users and providing suitable mechanisms for monitoring use of ITS allows those responsible for its operation to better understand the experience of both occasional and frequent users. This may show how use of the ITS is changing over time (because of changes in other parts of the transport system or the environment) and provides advanced information about necessary modifications, including possibly re-design of the ITS (See Evaluation)
Even apparently simple tasks such as administering a questionnaire should be piloted. This is because the design of the questionnaire (and the management processes around the questionnaire) may be found deficient or ambiguous when exposed to actual users. Piloting is really important and should not be missed out.
Pilot studies should be well designed with clear objectives, clear plans for collecting and analysing results, and explicit criteria for determining success or failure. Pilot studies should be analysed in the same way as full scale deployments.
In general, the benefits of a pilot study can be identified under four broad headings:
Monitoring the use of ITS can take many forms. Some examples are:
Feedback is information that comes directly from users of ITS about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction they feel with the product or service. Feedback can lead to early identification of problems and to improvements.
When the ITS users are “internal”, such as traffic control room staff or on-site maintenance workers – encouraging feedback has to be addressed as part of the organisational culture. Ideally a “no blame” culture will exist that allows free expression about what works well and does not when ITS is incorporated within wider social and organisational settings. Some industries have an anonymous feedback channel to allow comment on systems and operations. Explicit and overt mechanisms to respond to feedback help encourage further contributions from ITS users.
Feedback from road users about ITS has to be carefully interpreted as it may relate to the wider transport system of which ITS is just the visible part. For example, a complaint about the setting on variable speed limit signs may arise because information about incident clearance is not speedily transmitted to a traffic control centre.
Many organisations publish a service level promise or “customer charter” and this may include feedback mechanisms. Road Operators may choose to implement feedback channels that are passive (such as publishing address/phone/email/web address) or adopt more active mechanisms (such as questionnaires and surveys).
Overall evaluation of ITS products and services is an important activity because the performance of the road user will depend crucially on the usability of the ITS. A benefit of improving the ease and efficiency of ITS technology, is increased user satisfaction. This can provide business advantages, particularly when users have a choice of ITS products or services. Poor usability of ITS, such as a poor user interface, or inadequate and misleading dynamic signage, may have safety implications in the road environment. Good usability will help to manage and predict road user behaviour and so help increase road network performance. For all these reasons, the performance of ITS in terms of its usability needs to be measured. (See Evaluation)
Usability measurement requires assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which representative users carry out representative tasks in representative environments. This requires decisions to be made on the following key points:
Steps in performance measurement:
The process of measuring human performance when the driver is interacting with ITS (particularly when using information and communication devices) can yield safety benefits – although there are challenges with this form of human performance measurement in this context.
Driver distraction (not focussing on the road ahead and the driving task) is an important issue for road safety. ITS products, such as information and communication devices, can greatly assist the driver (for example by indicating suitable routes) but ITS can also be an additional source of distraction. Distraction can make drivers less aware of other road users such as pedestrians and road workers and less observant of speed limits and traffic lights. (See Road Safety)
Measuring driving performance when interacting with ITS requires specialist equipment and expertise. Measurements made in laboratory settings and driving simulators may not be representative of real driving behaviour. This is because in real driving contexts drivers can choose when to interact (or not) with devices – and can modify their driving style to compensate to some extent for other demands on their attention. On-road measurements have to be designed to be unobtrusive and representative. Field Operational Tests (FOTs) can be designed accordingly and used to investigate both mature and innovative systems. FOTs can involve both professional and ordinary drivers according to the focus of investigation. A “naturalistic” driving study aims to unobtrusively record driver behaviour. Analysis of the drive record is used to identify safety-related events such as distraction, although the interpretation of results can be problematic and controversial.
The weight of scientific evidence points to distraction being an important safety issue. Many governments and Road Operators have sought to restrict drivers’ use of ITS while driving. There are different national and local approaches ranging from guidelines and advice – to bans on specific activities or functions (such as texting or hand-held phone use).
Usability goals for an ITS product or service should be expressed in terms of the usability attribute – such as easy to learn, efficient to use, easy to remember, few errors, subjectively pleasing. Deciding on the relative importance of these goals depends on the ITS and the context but it helps to focus future evaluations on the most important aspects.
Not all performance measurements have to be quantitative but some simple examples of performance metrics that might be of interest to Road Operators are:
It is also important to collect qualitative data. This can help explain the reasons behind a particular performance and may uncover the user's mental processes and beliefs about how the ITS operates (which may be correct or incorrect).
Addressing more strategic performance goals such as “safety” is a wider question in which the ITS has to be considered in the broader transport context. (See Road Safety)
Performance testing can be complex. Consult human factors professionals where necessary and:
Simple descriptive statistics (such as average values and spread) may be sufficient to characterise the particular performance metric – but:
Road Operators may need to be involved in the specification, design or purchase of a wide range of Intelligent Transport systems (ITS) products and services. How these ITS are designed will determine the efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction with which they are used. To promote well-designed ITS, a wide range of standards, guidelines and other material is available which aims to capture good practice and advice. The range of information available includes:
A number of parties have a role to play in the development and use of standards and guidelines – and other information sources:
There are many general checklists and style guides concerning human interaction with technology. However, it is important to be aware of their limitations:
Standards and guidelines are likely to be relevant both in the procurement of ITS products and services and in operational activities involving ITS. Human factors standards and guidelines have a role in these activities. Road Operators may contribute to development of international standards, and/or to more local guidelines and Codes of Practice.
Road Operators have a duty of care to the users of their road networks. Tunnels are an example of road infrastructure that may be designed or managed by the Road Operator – and if human factors are not sufficiently addressed – they can raise significant ITS equipment and safety issues. In terms of ITS information provision, the Road Operator should ensure that everything provided is as clear and correct as possible – and that the ITS provided is safe, well maintained and fit for purpose so that it can be easily used. To help with these duties, one way is to use (and require sub-contractors to use) relevant standards and guidelines – including those related to human factors.
The Road Operator has responsibility for the work and conduct of their staff – including responsibility for any ITS which may be used as part of their jobs. The Road Operator may own or operate road vehicles as part of a fleet. Recovery and incident vehicles may have additional ITS equipment fitted for fleet management and communications. The standards and guidelines described here are relevant for these situations.
The Road Operator may also be responsible for the design and operation of traffic control centres – and for the staff who work there. Human factors issues are very relevant and important in this context – and a range of relevant standards and guidelines exist which, when properly applied, should assist the efficient running of the centres.
A standard is not the same as a law and, of itself, has no legal force. However, it can be quoted in a legal contract and form part of a legal document. It can also be adopted in whole, or in part, in regulations or other legal instruments. Standards may also be identified as representing “state of the art” in legal arguments and may be used as the basis for regulations or directives.
Standards (and guidelines and other information) may not be entirely neutral. They are developed by people and may be influenced (consciously or unconsciously) by bias or a particular point of view.
Some standards may contain commercial intellectual property (for example, concerning a specific interface) – so widespread adoption can be financially advantageous to specific organisations.
The world of standardisation can seem obscure and opaque to those unfamiliar with it – transport professionals may be unaware of the development of relevant standards impacting on their operations. Investment in awareness of standards and standards development has a cost.
The requirement to adopt a particular standard (or other guideline document) may require new ways of working and challenge existing organisational boundaries.
For further information see ITS Standards and Legal and Regulatory Issues
Access to standards and the cost of standards may be a particular issue. Standards are available in a range of common languages – but not all languages are covered.
The process of standardisation can be long and costly, involving international meetings and this may be a barrier to participation for some countries and organisations. As a result, the standard may be designed for use in a context of operation that is not entirely relevant to a developing economy.
With the growth in deployment of ITS and the information and communication options available to drivers, the modern car has been described as ‘a SmartPhone on wheels’. Information may be presented both in-vehicle and externally and needs to be relevant, timely, consistent and useful. The challenge for designers – supported by standards and guidelines – is to provide the information and services demanded by drivers that are usable without causing unsafe distraction and overload. In-vehicle human factors have a number of important consequences for Road Network Operations, in particular:
As well as information and entertainment, in-vehicle sensor, communications and processing technology can assist drivers by providing advice and warnings concerning the vehicle’s immediate environment. These warnings have to be perceived, understood as relevant, and acted upon appropriately if they are to be effective. Guidelines in this area are now emerging.
Driver error is consistently identified as a contributory factor in over 90% of vehicle crashes. Better design of the driver interface has the potential to keep the driver “in-the-loop” whilst increasing safety. Additionally, many vehicles now include ITS that provide automation of specific elements of the driving task. Systems can even be designed to intervene in vehicle control to avoid or mitigate an impending collision. Nevertheless, usability issues around how the vehicle ‘feels’ and responds, and how control is partitioned between the vehicle and the driver, are crucial to achieving driver trust, acceptance and adoption. The RESPONSE Code of Practice provides at least some guidelines in this emerging area and further research is underway.
It is good practice for new ITS vehicle applications or in-vehicle information and communication products to be simulated and trialled with users to understand better the interaction between them and any consequences
There are many international regulations on vehicle design and many standards and guidelines relating to information and communication systems (ICT) and warning and assistance systems.
A considerable volume of international regulation exists in relation to design requirements for motor vehicles that aim to ensure that technology within vehicles can be used safely. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE) Transport Division provides secretariat services to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29). The World Forum provides the regulatory framework for technological innovations in vehicles to make them safer and to improve their environmental performance. There is also a range of international law that affects drivers’ interaction with their vehicles and ITS. In Europe these take the form of Directives from the European Commission. In the US, there are both national and state laws on ITS human factors issues such as hand-held phone use and texting while driving.
Although not legally binding, international standards provide process, design and performance advice. The following are the main international working groups in areas relevant to vehicle design and usability:
Much of the knowledge from these standards has been incorporated in design guidelines and codes of practice. (See ITS Standards)
The European Commission (EC) has supported the development of a document called the ‘European Statement of Principles on HMI’ (referred to as ESoP) which provides high-level HMI design advice (EC 2008). As an EC Recommendation it has the status of a recommended practice or Code of Practice for use in Europe. It also contains 16 Recommendations for Safe Use (RSU), which build on Health and Safety legislation by emphasising the responsibility of organisations that employ drivers to attend to HMI aspects of their workplace. Adherence to the RSU is likely to promote greater acceptance of technology by drivers.
The design guidelines of the ESoP comprise 34 principles to ensure safe operation whilst driving. These are grouped into the following areas: Overall Design Principles, Installation Principles, Information Principles, Interactions with Controls and Displays Principles, System Behaviour Principles and Information about the System Principles.
The US motor vehicle manufacturers have developed ‘Alliance Guidelines’ that cover similar, high-level, design principles as the ESoP. The Guidelines (Auto Alliance 2006) consist of 24 principles organised into five groups: Installation Principles, Information Presentation Principles, Principles on Interactions with Displays/Controls, System Behaviour Principles, and Principles on Information about the System.
The USA’s National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) has worked with automobile manufacturers and the mobile phone industry to develop a set of guidelines for visual-manual interfaces for in-vehicle technologies. These are based on the ESoP/Alliance guidelines and introduce some specific assessment procedures (NHTSA 2013). The NHTSA also plan to publish guidelines for portable devices and guidelines for voice interfaces.
The Japanese Auto Manufacturers Association’s (JAMA) Guidelines consist of four basic principles and 25 specific requirements that apply to the driver interface of each device to ensure safe operation whilst driving. Specific requirements are grouped into the following areas: Installation of Display Systems, Functions of Display Systems, Display System Operation While Vehicle in Motion, and Presentation of Information to Users. Additionally, there are three annexes: Display Monitor Location, Content and Display of Visual Information While Vehicle in Motion, and Operation of Display Monitors While Vehicle in Motion.
Guidelines on establishing requirements for high-priority warning signals have been under development for more than five years by the UNECE/WP29/ITS Informal Group (Warning Guidelines 2011). There has also been work in standardisation groups to identify how to prioritise warnings when multiple messages need to be presented – and one ‘Technical specification’ (TS) has been produced:
In addition, two Technical Reports are relevant that contain a mixture of general guidance information (where supported by technical consensus) and discussion of areas for further research:
To help promote driver acceptance of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), a key issue is ensuring controllability. This has been addressed through guidelines. Controllability is determined by:
Drivers will expect controllability to exist in all their interactions with assistance systems:
The European project RESPONSE, has developed a Code of Practice for defining, designing and validating ADAS. The Code (outlined in the figure below) describes current procedures used by the vehicle industry to develop safe ADAS with particular emphasis on the human factors requirements for ‘controllability’.
Overview of the RESPONSE code of practice for design of in-vehicle information and assistance systems
Another European project, ADVISORS has tried to integrate the RESPONSE Code within a wider framework of user-centred design taking account of the usability of information, warning and assistance systems. The Intelligent Transport Systems (IHRA-ITS) Working Group of the International Harmonized Research Activities – is developing a set of high-level principles for the design of driver assistance systems (IHRA-ITS 2012).
Human factors standards affect the design of ITS road infrastructure. Signage potentially has a significant impact, particularly on drivers, and there is a broad range of new and developing signage systems involving ITS. The most widely deployed signs, called Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), also known as Variable Message Signs (VMS) and Changeable Message Signs, (CMS) have developed in terms of technology. Experience of their use has been distilled into guidelines on their design and operation.
Two other areas where Road Operators may be involved in close consideration of human factors are the design of tunnels and control rooms. Both pose important safety and human factors issues for which human factors guidelines have been developed.
ITS is capable of presenting new and existing traffic information to road transport users in radically different ways from that of conventional traffic signs. Variable message signs can be implemented through a range of technologies. They can include text, pictograms and moving images with various colours. Other changeable signs, including those that display actual vehicle speed (and sometimes vehicle identification information), can be part of an ITS designed to influence driver behaviour with dynamic and targeted information. (See Use of VMS)
There is a broad range of new and developing signage systems involving ITS. For many of these, experience has yet to be developed into specific guidelines whereas relatively good information is available on Variable Message Signs (VMS).
Just as with conventional static signs, to be effective, VMS have to be noticed, understood and followed. These are human factor considerations primarily for drivers for which various guidelines exist on their design.
Conspicuity describes a sign’s prominence from a driver’s perspective. This depends on its optical properties such as luminance (amount of light entering the eye from the sign) and contrast ratio, as well as factors such as size and contrast with surroundings. The general advice is for high luminance and high contrast signs.
Legibility describes the extent to which sufficient detail is visible at a given distance. This also depends on whether it is necessary to read a shape or individual letters. Legibility is enhanced through large letters but there is a trade-off against message length and any sign size. The resolution also depends on the underlying technology (such as the size of the smallest individually controllable image element).
The limited time that drivers have to read a sign restricts their perception of the length and complexity of the message. Some “rules of thumb” exist concerning how many words can be read during different glance times. Well-designed pictograms can quickly communicate concepts and are not language-specific, for which some advice about their design and use is available.
Message comprehension is basically a human task of pattern recognition, and in assessing whether a VMS will be comprehensible it is important to understand:
Relevant to the context of use, visual clutter in the driving environment has been extensively researched and shows that distractions in the visual scene reduce drivers’ performance when responding to signs. For example, advertisements, and particularly ones with dynamic images, can decrease the effectiveness of other signage.
Advice is available on a range of VMS design issues including message length, message formatting, mixing text and pictograms and using dual-language text. There is some evidence that blank VMS confuse drivers which suggests that it is probably best to always carry some message on a VMS, such as a road safety warning or – when available – current point-to-point journey times.
Advice also exists on how to measure comprehension and how to assess whether correct actions – that are timely, credible and appropriate – are taken.
Tunnels are an important feature of the road infrastructure and one where safety in their use is a crucial issue – because accidents in tunnels, and particularly fires, can have dramatic consequences. Two thirds of crashes happen at the portal areas but accidents inside the tunnel tend to be more serious. The key human factors issues seem to be related to lighting, lack of variation, and lack of landmarks to give any speed or distance references.
In long tunnels driver monotony and reduced concentration can be addressed through the design of lighting – for example by creating the impression of driving through several shorter tunnels by making transition zones using different lighting effects. Monotony can also be reduced by designing-in gentle curves and short straights (without breaching guidelines for safe viewing distance) (See Mont Blanc Tunnel Management System).
Intelligent monitoring and control systems are frequently used for air quality temperature, water seepage, fire, radio connections, lightning systems, traffic lights, emergency equipment and many other critical functions – so that if faults or incidents occur, the tunnel can be automatically closed to traffic.
In the European Union a Directive describes minimum safety standards. Much of it relates to organisational and operational schemes for testing, inspecting, training and equipping the emergency services – rather than human factors design issues. A PIARC report is available that reviews user behaviour in road tunnels in both normal and critical situations and provides additional recommendations for tunnel design and operation based on human factors considerations. It also covers what can be expected in the future from ITS regarding improvement of safety in tunnels. In summary, the recommendations are to take greater account of human factors in road tunnel design, particularly concerning:
Traffic control centres are an integral part of ITS – and the application of human factors considerations can play a pivotal role in increasing efficiency, productiveness, operator well-being and safety. It can also help to reduce the potential for, and consequences of, human error. Human factors issues in control centres include physical aspects (from the design of individual controls at operating stations to the building’s design and location) and procedural aspects (such as staffing and shift scheduling). (See Traffic Control Centres)
In terms of the physical ergonomics, a suite of international standards (under the umbrella of BS EN ISO 11064) is available that deal specifically with the ergonomic design of control centres. There is also an extensive suite of standards (under the umbrella of BS EN ISO 9241) that deals more generally with the ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) and the ergonomics of human-system interaction.
Many control centres will need to operate around the clock and so may use a shift work policy. This can have negative effects on personnel if not implemented correctly. Employers must consider the workload, the work activity, shift timing and duration, direction of rotation and the number/length of breaks during and between shifts. The UK Health and Safety Executive has produced a book that provides practical advice on implementing and managing shift work.
ISO 11064:
Vulnerable road users (VRU) are those users who are at great risk because of insufficient physical protection or because of relative high speed difference with potential conflicting modes (Vulnerable road users diagnose of design and operational safety problems and potential countermeasures, PIARC, 2016).
Through this definition a specific attention is given to four main categories of road users, i.e:
Although there are few standards and guidelines concerning human factors of ITS for these groups of people, vulnerable road users are likely to benefit from a range of safety-enhancing ITS and supporting standards and guidelines on their design and implementation. (See Road Safety)
Accessibility or "ability to access" often focuses on people with disabilities or special needs and their of access, enabling the use of assistive technology.
This technology can include ITS to improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities in the road context. Few standards or guidelines exist but ITS which is implemented via web applications can take advantage of published guidelines for accessibility. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has developed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which explains how to make Web content accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
Accessibility legislation in some countries has prompted the development of guidelines for disabled persons to access public transport (such as those published by the National Disability Authority in Ireland in 2005). This includes human factors issues.
Special provision for disabled drivers might include ITS. Guidelines exist for vehicle adaptation, but not specifically for ITS.
With an increasing number of older drivers, automotive technology that helps keep older drivers safe is expected to grow in importance. Technology including ITS may help to prolong safe mobility particularly in suburban and rural areas, where public transportation options are limited. Many ITS devices may be developed to assist older drivers with aspects of their driving task. “Design for all” is an important concept as designs benefitting the least fit, older person, are likely to help drivers of all ages and skill levels. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Age-Lab, is for example, doing work in this area. Older road users include pedestrians and cyclists. Specific designs for older road users are being developed – although standards and guidelines on HMI are yet to emerge.
A range of technology is emerging based on ITS and cooperative systems that can potentially alert a driver to the presence of a cyclist or pedestrian (for example, in their blind spot). General ITS and human factors guidelines will apply to these situations although little specific guidance is currently available.
As with other vulnerable road users, riders of powered two wheelers (PTW) are likely to benefit from a range of safety-enhancing ITS for drivers and supporting standards and guidelines for their design and implementation.
ITS for PTW and other light vehicles is largely in the research and development phase and many ITS applications could be used to improve rider safety including Adaptive Cruise Control, Incident Warning, Blind Spot Monitoring, Forward Collision Warning, Obstacle Warning, Automatic eCall.