Road Network Operations
& Intelligent Transport Systems
A guide for practitioners!

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Road Map for Deployment

Resolving the institutional issues needs to proceed in parallel with the technical aspects of ITS project planning. The specific ITS development must be assessed for its feasibility and desirability in the local context - from both a technical and non-technical perspective. There is usually more than one way to implement an ITS project - for example:

  • rapid versus gradual introduction
  • home-grown versus imported systems
  • public versus private initiatives

The type of implementation chosen will be governed by many factors. Some key inputs are listed in the figure below.

Figure 5. Checklist for use in developing a road map for ITS deployment

The ITS Road Map is a means of translating concepts and plans into reality. It assigns roles and responsibilities and specifies how stakeholders can organise themselves to implement the recommendations of the Framework Plan. The following is a checklist of topics which will need to be addressed:

Human Res​ources

  • Confirm and secure the private and public sector roles, define their areas of control and influence
  • Identify who will be the leaders and champions
  • Develop the required organisational and institutional capability
  • Put in place the means of coordinating the key actors, perhaps by adapting existing coordination methods
  • Introduce professional development and training requirements in ITS project planning and related skills

Contractual and Legal Requirements

  • Secure the necessary ITS communications infrastructure and support services
  • Develop common locational referencing rules and build the local “infostructure” of location-referenced databases and geographical information
  • Resolve data ownership, locational referencing, quality control and exchange issues
  • Address privacy and security issues
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