Road Network Operations
& Intelligent Transport Systems
A guide for practitioners!

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Launching ITS

Taiwan - Growing opportunities for ITSCountries with economies in transition represent a wide range of conditions. The use of ITS may follow the same guidelines as those for more advanced deployments. Special approaches to implementation are needed where there is a of lack of institutional maturity and limited resource availability including shortage of ITS professionals. Thoughtful consideration of the opportunities available and local needs and resources will ultimately determine the proper strategy.

Since 1996 The World Road Association (PIARC) has engaged in serious efforts to distill cumulated experience into advice for decision-makers and transport professionals on how to launch ITS in the context of Road Network Operations. Where there is little or no experience of ITS many feel uncomfortable with the technical and/or institutional aspects. Even those who have some experience of ITS can feel uneasy when they consider ITS projects in new application areas.

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